Veteran Member
It's pretty cold here right now, 29 this morning. My 01 beetle has been great since the new clutch, metal thermostat housing, and sensor gasket fix. I drove to work last night and everything was just great. I come out of the hospital this morning l, start my car as normal and drive out of the parking garage. When I pulled out into the street my car was doing this weird go no go go no go feeling. Like it was going in and out of limp mode for lack of a better description. He has NEVER done anything like this. Well I go up the ramp to I65 and it's still doing it but then the surging stops but I thought to myself it is now in limp mode and sure enough it was. No more surging just not much power. I go a few miles and restart the car to reset the limp mode. Power seems back to normal. Then I get to my exit and have a few red lights to shift thru and I feel it again. I thought it may be the turbo itself as its days are numbered, or a vacuum problem, but then I thought maybe a MAF issue. It's the original one with 342,800 miles and 23 1/2 years old. So I get home and read codes. 16786-egr because I have the vacuum line off and plugged. 16764- glow plug...I just put new ones in but didn't clear the codes. 16786- MAF problem. I thought maybe I knocked something loose when I changed the temp sensor gasket so I jiggled the plug and pushed it on good. Why the sudden issue? I will drive it again tonight to work 50 miles trek and see what happens. When I tried to clear the MAF code it said "done" but the cel never went off and it was immediately still there. I haven't checked again since the wires wiggle trial. But again, this has never happened before. I don't have vcds. Fine last night and not fine this morning. Weird. I need this car to last at least another year and a half til my truck is paid off.