I brought my Passat 2005 tdi last week to my local dealer for the glow plug recall because I had the error code: 17056 - Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11)
P0672 - 000 - Electrical Fault
I had the steel Bosch GP before I gave the car to the dealer in the early morning.
I also asked them to perform the brake light switch recall on the same car.
The dealer called my in the afternoon to pickup the car and said everything was done.
The invoice report said:
- Perform N400 Brake Switch: Replace brake light switch with 1K2-945-511-RDW
Claim type: 710
- Perform 28F6 Glow Plugs and Software: Perform ECM software update, clear DTCs
4 N-105-916-09 Glow Plug
Claim Type: 710
I drove the car for 2 days and the check engine comes on. I plug the VCDS in and got the same error code: 17056 - Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11)
P0672 - 000 - Electrical Fault
Yesterday Sunday, I took out the glow plug on cylinder 1 and to my surprise... It was my old worn out steel Bosch glow plug!!!
I checked the brake light switch: It is still the old black version!!!
Now I suspect that they did not do anything to my car.
Can anyone tell me if they updated my ECM software?
This is what VCDS is currently reading:
VCDS Version: Release 15.7.4 Running on Windows XP x86
Address 01: Engine Labels: 038-906-016-BHW.lbl
Control Module Part Number: 038 997 016 T HW: 028 101 198 2
Component and/or Version: R4 2,0L EDC G000AG 0314
Software Coding: 0150034
Work Shop Code: WSC 30682 002 1048576
VCID: AF6754403D0E3C4657-513C
1 Fault Found:
17056 - Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11)
P0672 - 000 - Electrical Fault
Freeze Frame:
RPM: 0 /min
Torque: 190.0 Nm
Speed: 0.0 km/h
Load: 0.0 %
Voltage: 11.93 V
Bin. Bits: 00001011
Temperature: 19.8°C
Bin. Bits: 00110000
Readiness: 1 1 0 0 0
Can anyone tell me IF i am having the correct updated software version?
What can I do now? This is my word against the dealer service department...
Thanks in advance for any help!