Need a Step by step tutorial


New member
May 4, 2014
Central Missouri
'96 Passat, '12 JSW,'09 Sedan
Okay, here's the background, I have a '96 Passat. Spun a bearing on the crank. Started to swap in another 1Z that I had sitting around. got the old one out(500,000mi), and the fresher one(198,000) set on the motor mounts, then I had to have emergency back surgery. 3 years after healing and some PT, I am ready to get the ol' girl back on the road. Problem is, I cannot remember what the steps are for the wiring, hoses, etc. the book I was using was borrowed, and since returned, and I am going crazy with nothing to do now that I am on disability. Anybody know of a good tutorial(video might be better for me) that I can use to refresh my memory? Thanks!


Veteran Member
Feb 12, 2018
Los Angeles
1997 Jetta TDI (1Z)
I've got an engine to put back in and I'm happy to help you out. just dropped it back in and will be piecing back all the random bits.

Thankfully VW designed the connectors on the harness in such a way that it only really goes back together one way... which is helpful.

Your passat is laid out a bit differently than my Jetta but the important bits are basically the same.