StaceyR said:
Agreed...although that dark color would look even better contrasted by the Cornsilk beige interior. I hope your dealer offers free car washes like the one nearest me.
I'm torn between this and the easier-to-maintain White Gold. Looks vs practicallity...which will win out?
I understand the conflict, but I have to admit to not liking the White Gold at all. Personal thing, really, but the Silver, White Gold, White...Ick for me.
If only they still had the Laser Blue I'd be on that like white on rice, but sadly it has gone the way of the coelacanth.
Apparently my Broker has located the car for me and is now attempting to get a dealer to trade for it.
I'm playing a fun game of economic roulette though. I will be able to afford the car because of a recent settlement on my mother's death. That settlement is supposed to arrive in my account the second week of November. My current car (01 New Beetle) is having some engine problems (I think transmission) and has tags that expire Nov 6.
I'm hoping that all the stars will align so I can upgrade vehicle without going into hock