I have fought with the original injection pump, from having bad internals in the first one to buying another one just to find out a rat chewed my wiring harness in 8 different spots causing alot of problems an the ecu somehow having melted spots in it. I decided to step back and save money up to go completely away from the electronics and go with a mtdi. Have it on now an timmed, runs great so far. I have completed my fuel system/ coolant/ an intercooler now getting ready to start on the electrical for gauges and the little bit of sensors i have in this 1992 ford ranger. So the question i have if anyone has done a mtdi swap is how do i wire up my gauges now that im using the original wiring harness from truck? Can i cut the vw connections off re pin them an just go to whatever component i have to? Kinda lost at this point with no videos an havent ran into a thread on it so any information will benefit.