Not quite...
On the ALH engine, the original belts, rated at 60,000 miles (manual) or 40,000 miles (automatic) were quite a bit less hardy than the later ones... You can tell the difference by looking at the backing surface: it's more "rubbery" and smooth. Very late in the 2001 model year (Engine number ALH500001 and up) they went to a longer-life belt rated at 80,000 miles... that one has a fabric-like backing and is easy to distinguish from the earlier models. They also introduced a newer tensioner that can also be used with the older-style belts (but the older tensioners should not be used with the newer belts)... For the 2003 model year they upgraded the bearings in the large idler and upped the change interval to 100,000 miles... That said, early on in the production cycle (and aftermarket supplier market) they still continued to use up the remaining inventory of old-style idlers, so it isn't an automatic assumption that all 2003's (or older ones that have had a 2003-M-Y timing belt change) have this improved idler. I believe that certain suppliers (dealers included) still provide the older style belts for the 2001-and-older ALH motors... All the vendors here provide the latest parts.
PS: I should complete the summary by repeating that a timing belt system change should include the belt(s), tensioner, 3 idlers, water pump, and a bunch of so-called "Stretch" bolts (T-T-Y)... the one for the large idler is absolutely necessary, the 4 vertical bolts for the engine mount are also required by the Bentley manual - although many dealerships and garages do not replace them, then there are the 3 bolts for the injection pump - the original ones (up to around 2001) were black/blue and should only be tightened once and replaced... the newer ones (silver/gold) can be re-used, and many people find that they need to replace the 4 harmonic balancer bolts (late 2003 German-built cars use shorter ones than the earlier cars... be careful), and many people like to replace the 3 horizontal bolts holding the engine mount (bracket) to the block... if not every TB change, for sure every 3rd one...