TDIClub Bluetooth FAQ (Updated 12/30/2010 - Look at new 9W7 info)
There seems to be a lot of questions that recur on a regular basis regarding the Bluetooth option that is availalbe in the '09 and '10 Jetta and JSW. If you have retrofit Bluetooth in your car, some of this information may pertain to you as well. I will admit I don't know it all on this subject. If you see mis(sing) information, please let me know and I'll update or correct the FAQ. I don't have a lot of info on cars outside of the USA, so if anyone else wants to add information, replay I will add the info to the FAQ.
These questions have been answered in a number of threads that sometimes drag on for pages. This is simply an effort to consolidate the information that is available.
Thank you to the countless members and forums that I have gathered this information from. Special thanks to SeaBear for providing the coding to enable the MFD Phone menu on the 2010 Jetta Sedan!
What can the BT function in my car do?
That's what this FAQ is here to address. The answer may be as simple as it only acts as a hands free, to something complex like downloading of the phone book to display on the instrument cluster and on the screen of the Navigation unit. Much of the "depends" depends on the equipment in your car.
There's up to four components in your car's BT system, and two are required. The two required components are the BT module, and something to control it. Most commonly, it's the Multi Function Steering Wheel (MFSW). The two optional components are the full height MFD in the Instrument Cluster, and optionally the RNS-510 Navigation system.
OK, that's all well and fine. So what's all this mean to me and MY car?
2009 JSW
As far as I know, and from what information I've been able to track down this car was not available with a factory bluetooth option. The big limiting factor here was the lack of a MFSW option for this car. Retrofit of the MFSW and a BT module is possible though.
2009 Jetta Sedan
The 2009 Jetta Sedan came optional with 2 different BT options. The 9W3 BT option stickered for $275 and included the 1Z0 035 729 A module under the passenger seat. This car also came standard with the MFSW. This module is considered to be the "premium" BT module in that it has voice command and the capability to download the phone book from the handset. However, the module seems to not support display of the "Phone" menu on the MFD. The phone book can only be interacted with via the RNS-510 on the '09 Jetta.
The '09 Jetta also sometimes was sold with the Volk-L option, stickering for $350 and sometimes listed as a port installed option. This module is the same module that can be had at the parts counter in the Volk-L retrofit kit. This module does NOT support any transfer of the phone book, nor does it support voice command. It DOES however support A2DP (Bluetooth streaming audio.). When paired with a Premium 7 head unit, it will support mono audio. When paired with an RNS-510 head unit, it has the capability of streaming stereo audio to the head unit. Special wiring is required for stereo BT audio. The module also must be long coded for the proper head unit.
2010 Jetta Sedan
The 2010 Jetta TDI Sedan includes BT as a standard feature. 2010 sedans have been known to include the 1Z0 035 729 C module, and one user reports having the 1Z0 035 729 D module in their car. These modules are considered to be premium in that they have voice command and the ability to download the phone book from supported handsets. For some reason unbeknownst to the masses, the module supports the ability to display the "Phone" menu in the MFD but the functionality is not enabled from the factory. A simple change with a dealer VAS 5051/5025 or a VCDS can enable the "phone menu in the MFD. When paired with the RNS-510 you can interact with the phone book.
2010 Jetta SportWagen / 2010 Golf TDI
The 2010 JSW and 2010 Golf TDI come equipped with the 9W2 "UHV Low" Bluetooth option. This module allows for basic handsfree answering of calls and phone initiated hansfree outbound calling. This module also streams A2DP audio to compatible head units, most commonly the RNS-510 and the RCD-510.
This module does NOT support voice command and a phone menu in the MFD. It absolutely cannot be enabled with this module!
2011 Jetta SportWagen / 2011 Golf TDI
The 2011 JSW and Golf cars now are shipping with VW's recent 9W7 Bluetooth option. The 9W7 module provides voice command, a phone menu in the MFD equipped cars, and A2DP BT audio streaming all in one module. Users are reporting that cars coming equipped with this module require no additional coding or modification to make any of this work. Basically, "it just works out of the box.."
I have the RNS-510 and a "Premium" BT module. What does this do for me?
When this module is paired with the RNS-510, it is also possible to dial from the phone book, dial from an on-screen dial pad, and display operator and signal strength information on the RNS-510.
Here's a link to a video showing how the Premium BT module and the RNS-510 work together.
But I want to do it all! I want A2DP (Streaming stereo audio), phone book functionality, and voice command!
2010 owners, you are in luck! You can now acquire the 9W7 module and install it in your vehicle in place of the 9W2 or 9W3 module that your car came equipped with. The part number for this module is 7P6 035 730 C. This will give you voice command, a phone menu in the RNS-510 if your car is so equipped, and A2DP audio streaming to either the RNS-510 or the RCD-510 head units. Note that some users are reporting that the overhead BT console in cars originally equipped with 9W2 modules does not function properly with the 9W7 option.
2009 owners are unfortunately may be out of luck as the 9W7 module is NOT compatible with the red highline MFD in the 2009 cars. This module pairs with other BT devices via the MFD, however member rolfovolvo has informed me that the 9W7 module will remain visible for 3 minutes after the vehicle has been turned on and can be paired via the handset. It is highly unlikely that an OEM module will be made to provide compatibility with the red MFD functionality for the 2009 cars as the red MFD and it's protocols are no longer actively manufactured or developed for by VW.
New 9W7 Info:
Member rolfovolvo has provided some more detailed information on the 9W7 family of BT modules:
Module with part number 7P6 035 730 B does not have Voice Recognition and Text to speech but HFP and A2DP as normal and sells a lot cheaper. This device might not be sold in the US via the parts counter, but might be imported and sold on the grey market.
Modules with part numbers: 7P6 035 730 C and 7P6 035 730 D both have voice recognition but the D variant is also capable of connecting to an external phone cradle for charging.
Needs confirmation / Coding information: Regarding some issues with the overhead buttons not working on some cars: The coding of the 9W7 has a flag for en-/disabling the buttons, in case the car doesn't have the buttons. Maybe the guys with the problem have taken a coding from a car without the buttons built in. Taking a coding from a car with working buttons might fix the issue. (Can
Needs confirmation: For the BT activity LED there is no coding flag, means it is technically not possible to enable the LED.
A non-OEM option is the Kufatec BT module, which should provide this functionality. Please see Kufatec's website for more information.
My MkV doesn't have Bluetooth. Can I add it?
Yes, but it is an undertaking. First, you need to have some way to control your BT module, this is either an MFSW, or an RNS-510 navigation unit. If your car does not have the MFSW and this is how you want to control your unit, then you will need to retrofit this first. There's plenty of information out there on how to do this and can be almost a FAQ in it's own. If you decide to go with an RNS-510, you need to ensure your BT module supports the RNS-510. There's no hard and fast rule on this, however the three parts above are known to work. See for more information on the RNS-510 and Bluetooth configurations.
Once you have your MFSW/RNS-510 in place, you need the BT module. They are available in a variety of places. The easiest is to go to the dealer and get the Volk-L retrofit kit. It should work in any MkV based car with the MFSW. Installation requires splicing and routing of wires, and access to a VCDS. If you aren't comfortable with this, leave it to the pros.
Some modules are available on eBay, and may be sold as a "Skoda BT module." Skoda is just another divison of the VAG group selling in Europe only. Some of these modules work similarly to the Premium modules as above, and others requrie a phone capable of the RSAP (Remote SIM Access Profile.) Most US phones DO NOT support this and you will not be able to place or receive calls with an RSAP module. You will also need a wiring harness for modules sold by themselves and not as part of a kit.
There's plenty of info on retrofitting Bluetooth at in the forums there.
You mentioned that you can enable the phone menu on my 2010 Jetta sedan? Spill it!
You need access to a VCDS. Connect to module/address word 77 - Telephone.
The coding in the 2010 1Z0 035 729 C module from the factory should be: 0011070
Many users have had success in enabling the phone menu in the MFD by changing the coding to read: 0000477.
Changing the third digit to "1" (0010477) should enable the menu in the MFD and the menu on the RNS-510 if your car is so equpped. If you have just retrofit the RNS-510, be sure to reset your RNS-510 by hodling in the left and right arrow buttons, as well as the day/night button, all adjacent to the DVD slot. Otherwise, the RNS will not recognize the change.