Absolutely ridiculous. 233 miles equates to OVER 5-1/2 hours of driving at an average of 50MPH. Someone drove your car home 2 days and they live over 50 miles away from where they work? C'mon...totally irresponsible on the part of the dealer/tech(s)/sales staff/whoever was given the keys to your ride. I've done numerous complete engine rebuilds and NEVER needed anything close to 233 miles to properly test a car. Did you give them permission to allow a tech or anyone else to drive your car home?
I'd want to know:
Who authorized a tech to take your car home?
Who drove it?
How far from the dealer do they live?
Why was this deemed necessary?
NO dealer is going to pay a tech $120.00+ billable hours X 5.5 to test drive ANY car with a supposed fuel leak that didn't even exist or require any work to repair.
My guess is your car was used as a shuttle for 2 days until another chump(sorry) came in and dropped their car off. I'd find another dealer but not before you go back and have a word with the SA and ask for your wasted fuel to be replaced. You never know...he may come up with some half-way believable excuses for testing/using your car.
If he does I'd like to hear it.
As far as a "buy-back" is concerned...Forget that...not happening...ever.
FWIW, joy rides/test drives do go bad. In case you're not aware of this one, here's a particularly bad instance that, even after a year, is yet to be resolved. There are some shady dealers out there.