I have a 2001 Jetta and the car has 74000 km. It has always run well until this summer when it got harder to start, almost as if the glow plugs were not working. The starter would turn over much more often before ignition with some white smoke coming out the exhaust. I read all the info on this site as to solutions and have tried almost everything on the Glowplugs 101 site. Here is the list - checked glowplugs for resistance and they check out ok, checked out the harness and no break in the continuity of current, checked fuse at battery and no problems, even got a new relay and still no solution. What I have found out is that my glow plug light goes on for a few seconds and then goes out like it is supposed but there is no power getting to the glow plugs. There is no just no power travelling along the circuit to the glow plugs. I have traced the entire line and there is no power . I am absolutely stumped as to the problem as to why there is no power to the plugs and I have replaced the relay. My mechanic is absolutely stumped too and does anyone have any other ideas I can try to resolve this issue? Help.