Found all kinds of tranny oil had leaked from my tranny... have cleaned it off and suspect that the metal tranny cover on the drivers side has rusted. Anyone know if this is a common occurrence?
Found all kinds of tranny oil had leaked from my tranny... have cleaned it off and suspect that the metal tranny cover on the drivers side has rusted. Anyone know if this is a common occurrence?
I don't know how common it is, but in the rusty north it can happen. I had it happen on a 1985 Jetta that I had years ago. Had to replace the trans end cover for the same reason. It had rusted through and started leaking fluid.
I pulled the trans cover off of my 2000 Beetle this past spring as it was really rusty. I snad blasted it and was OK, but it was pitted pretty badly in a few spots. I suspect it wasn't all that long off from rusting right through.
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