kw1281test: A Free VDS-Pro / VagTacho Alternative


Jun 26, 2003
Watertown, MA, USA
'99.5 Golf GLS, '01 Jetta GLX Wagon (TDI conversion)
Hi I'm hoping to get some help. After such a long time finding the right combo of laptop, KKL connector, and kw1281test, it looks like I got really close to getting my SKC, but it keeps timing out before sending the code. Now I can't even run the program anymore as it says 'access denied' and my computer says to 'find the right program for this pc'

Can anyone let me know whats I'm doing wrong? It seems like its connecting as my car ends up beeping like I just turned it on when it starts to run, then it keeps timing out. Then I try running the code a few more times and now I can't even run the program anymore.

C:\Users\patso>C:\Users\patso\Downloads\kw1281test_0.99.2-alpha_Win10\kw1281test.exe com6 9600 17 getskc
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.2-alpha (
Args: com6 9600 17 getskc
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port com6
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
ECU: 8N1920930J  KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 D56
Software Coding 07244, Workshop Code: 22198
entryH: 0x02, regBlockH: 0x08, count: 0x0400
Sending block 0x6C
Writing data to cluster microcontroller
Receiving ACK
Writing memory dump program to cluster microcontroller
(Entry: $0200, RegBlock: $0800, Start: $0C00, Count: $0400)
Receiving ACK
Receiving memory dump
Caught: System.TimeoutException The operation has timed out.
Unhandled exception: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadByte()
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Interface.GenericInterface.ReadByte() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Interface/GenericInterface.cs:line 34
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KwpCommon.ReadByte() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KwpCommon.cs:line 130
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.DumpMem(String, UInt16, Nullable`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 176
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.DumpEeprom(Nullable`1, Nullable`1, String ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 21
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 625
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 275
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31
I have no idea why you can't run the program anymore. Try downloading it again.

Try disconnecting the battery from the car for a minute, then reconnect and try the GetSKC command again.

If that doesn't work, disconnect the battery for a minute and then try the following command and see if it works:
C:\Users\patso\Downloads\kw1281test_0.99.2-alpha_Win10\kw1281test.exe COM6 9600 17 DumpMarelliMem 14336 2048


Oct 18, 2024
Mk4 Jetta
FWIW, to close the loop on my original issue. Was tinkering with the interface circuit using the LM339 and 2222s Sparkfun put on there but decided the best way was to do it right to eliminate variables.

Ended up just buying a cable. On Amazon it's the red one, says "2 real 9241A Chips" in the listing.

I opened and verified the chips are marked 9241A and it also has the FTDI FT232RL in it. Are they legitimate or fakes? Always a risk with something like this but no way to know that for certain. To be honest the quality seems pretty decent to me, I have no concerns.

The 9241A is a purpose built automotive transceiver, similar to, if not perhaps even the same, as what VW put in the ECU on the other end of the line.

Worked like a champ so far, even works fine with the Mac. But I have only read back the SKC, not tried programming keys with it.

Last edited:


Oct 18, 2024
Mk4 Jetta
Question about the door remote, not the immobilizer. It appears the sensor in my door isn't working so using the turn key in door, hold for 10 seconds and press the unlock button method doesn't seem to work (the little alarm armed LED next to the door lock doesn't blink, which would seem to confirm this).

I've seen reference to using the AdaptationSave command to the CCM

Didn't see a resolution to increasing the number of fobs from 1 (to say 3) and whether that worked.

Also, you put a key in the ignition and turn the car on. If you're doing more than one key do you turn the key off and move between keys (such as adapting them for the immobilizer) between pressing the unlock button on each fob or does the car just have to be on while running this command?

Thus you press unlock for 1 second on key one, the horn beeps, you move to next key, press unlock for 1 second, horn beeps, move to last key, unlock, horn beeps all while key one is left in the ignition with it on.

I'd trying to avoid clearing the CCM to test this if someone's got some insight first since I already have two remotes that work and ultimately just want to add a 3rd. If it doesn't work I think I could be left with just one or perhaps no door remotes.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 27, 2024
Hey Guys, I'm new here but just wondering if you can help me out I am trying to get my SKC code for my Vehicle and cant seem to get KW1281test to work properly. I originally tried 10400 but gave me an Unexpected sync byte so I searched around this form and saw other had better lucking using 9600 and sure enough it work but then it stop when tries to receive the memory dump i end up getting this command line "Caught: System.TimeoutException The operation has timed out." Here's what I am seeing I hope you guys can help me figure out what's going on and to why it keeps timing out

PS F:\Users\White Dragon\Desktop\kw1281test> .\KW1281Test COM4 9600 17 GetSKC
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.1-beta (
Args: COM4 9600 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port COM4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 07244, Workshop Code: 55541
entryH: 0x02, regBlockH: 0x08, count: 0x0400
Sending block 0x6C
Writing data to cluster microcontroller
Receiving ACK
Writing memory dump program to cluster microcontroller
(Entry: $0200, RegBlock: $0800, Start: $0C00, Count: $0400)
Receiving ACK
Receiving memory dump
Caught: System.TimeoutException The operation has timed out.
Unhandled exception: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadByte()
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Interface.GenericInterface.ReadByte() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Interface/GenericInterface.cs:line 34
at BitFab.KW1281Test.KwpCommon.ReadByte() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KwpCommon.cs:line 130
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.DumpMem(String, UInt16, Nullable`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 176
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.DumpEeprom(Nullable`1, Nullable`1, String ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 21
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 619
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 275
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2008

Hey I am looking for some guidance to my next steps. I think I have pulled the correct data to get started. I am looking to reset my 1M KM odometer back to zero or optimally back to 21K miles so I can just say add 600k to that. Help please!
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.1-beta (
Args: com5 10400 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port com5
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
The operation has timed out.
Retrying wakeup message...
Reading sync byte
The operation has timed out.
Retrying wakeup message...
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 07232, Workshop Code: 00066
Sending ReadIdent block
Sending Custom "Read Software Version" blocks
Sending Custom "Unlock Additional Commands" block
00: VAT500LL $01
01: $90 $17
02: $11 $04 $00 $10 $33 $07
03: VW A4 Lowline Maske
Sending Custom "Unlock partial EEPROM read" block
Unlock code for software version 'VAT500LL 01.20' is 01 04 3D 35
Sending Custom "Get Access Level" block
Access level is unknown.
Sending Custom "Seed request" block
Sending Custom "Get Access Level" block
Access level is unknown.
Failed to unlock cluster.
Saving EEPROM dump to IMMO-IDENTNR_VWZ7Z0A3278051________$0090_eeprom.bin
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0090, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 56 57 5A 37 5A 30 41 33 32 37 38 30 35 31 56 57
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00A0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 5A 37 5A 30 41 33 32 37 38 30 35 31 56 57 5A 37
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00B0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 5A 30 41 33 32 37 38 30 35 31 92 34 92 34 92 34
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00C0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00D0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 FF 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00E0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 58 58 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF DB 0B DB 0B DB 0B
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00F0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: DB 0B DB 0B DB 0B DB 0B DC 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0100, Count: $0C)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF
Saved EEPROM dump to IMMO-IDENTNR_VWZ7Z0A3278051________$0090_eeprom.bin
SKC: 03492
Sending EndCommunication block


Jun 26, 2003
Watertown, MA, USA
'99.5 Golf GLS, '01 Jetta GLX Wagon (TDI conversion)
Hey Guys, I'm new here but just wondering if you can help me out I am trying to get my SKC code for my Vehicle and cant seem to get KW1281test to work properly. I originally tried 10400 but gave me an Unexpected sync byte so I searched around this form and saw other had better lucking using 9600 and sure enough it work but then it stop when tries to receive the memory dump i end up getting this command line "Caught: System.TimeoutException The operation has timed out." Here's what I am seeing I hope you guys can help me figure out what's going on and to why it keeps timing out

PS F:\Users\White Dragon\Desktop\kw1281test> .\KW1281Test COM4 9600 17 GetSKC
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.1-beta (
Args: COM4 9600 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port COM4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 07244, Workshop Code: 55541
entryH: 0x02, regBlockH: 0x08, count: 0x0400
Sending block 0x6C
Writing data to cluster microcontroller
Receiving ACK
Writing memory dump program to cluster microcontroller
(Entry: $0200, RegBlock: $0800, Start: $0C00, Count: $0400)
Receiving ACK
Receiving memory dump
Caught: System.TimeoutException The operation has timed out.
You have a Marelli cluster. There are 2 commands you can try:

kw1281test.exe COM4 9600 17 DumpMarelliMem 3072 1024
kw1281test.exe COM4 9600 17 DumpMarelliMem 14336 2048

If neither of those work then kw1281test may not be compatible with your cluster (and there's not a whole lot I can do to add support unless I have that exact cluster to test with - and even then I may not be able to get it to work).


Active member
Oct 28, 2024
2001 beetle tdi ALH
I’m new to this I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to deleting my immobilized I have a kkl cable already


Active member
Oct 28, 2024
2001 beetle tdi ALH
C:\Users\Bentley Howard>Onedrive\Desktop\kw1281test.exe Com3 9600 1 WriteEdc15Eeprom 0x1B0 0x60 0x1DE 0x60
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.2-alpha (
Args: Com3 9600 1 WriteEdc15Eeprom 0x1B0 0x60 0x1DE 0x60
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port Com3
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
ECU: 038906012FF 1,9l R4 EDC G000AG 4104
Software Coding 00001, Workshop Code: 00066
Sending EndCommunication block
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $6B
Keyword Msb $8F
Protocol is KW 2027 (8N1)
KW Version: 2027
Sent: 82 01 F1 10 89 0D (startDiagnosticSession)
Received: 83 06 01 7F 03 13 1F (3 NAK 19)
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Unexpected DestAddress: 06
Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unexpected DestAddress: 06
at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW2000Dialog.SendReceive(DiagnosticService, Byte[], Boolean ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Kwp2000/KW2000Dialog.cs:line 133
at BitFab.KW1281Test.EDC15.Edc15VM.ReadWriteEeprom(String, List`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/EDC15/Edc15VM.cs:line 21
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.ReadWriteEdc15Eeprom(String , List`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 357
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 405
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31


Active member
Oct 28, 2024
2001 beetle tdi ALH
C:\Users\Bentley Howard>Onedrive\desktop\kw1281test.exe Com3 9600 1 WriteEdc15Eeprom 0x1B0 0x60 0x1DE 0x60
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.2-alpha (
Args: Com3 9600 1 WriteEdc15Eeprom 0x1B0 0x60 0x1DE 0x60
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port Com3
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
ECU: 038906012FF 1,9l R4 EDC G000AG 4104
Software Coding 00001, Workshop Code: 00066
Sending EndCommunication block
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $6B
Keyword Msb $8F
Protocol is KW 2027 (8N1)
KW Version: 2027
Sent: 82 01 F1 10 89 0D (startDiagnosticSession)
Received: 83 F1 01 7F 10 13 17 (startDiagnosticSession NAK 19)
Caught: BitFab.KW1281Test.Kwp2000.NegativeResponseException Exception of type 'BitFab.KW1281Test.Kwp2000.NegativeResponseException' was thrown.
Unhandled exception: BitFab.KW1281Test.Kwp2000.NegativeResponseException: Exception of type 'BitFab.KW1281Test.Kwp2000.NegativeResponseException' was thrown.
at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW2000Dialog.SendReceive(DiagnosticService, Byte[], Boolean ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Kwp2000/KW2000Dialog.cs:line 144
at BitFab.KW1281Test.EDC15.Edc15VM.ReadWriteEeprom(String, List`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/EDC15/Edc15VM.cs:line 21
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.ReadWriteEdc15Eeprom(String , List`1 ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 357
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 405
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31


New member
Oct 27, 2024
You have a Marelli cluster. There are 2 commands you can try:

kw1281test.exe COM4 9600 17 DumpMarelliMem 3072 1024
kw1281test.exe COM4 9600 17 DumpMarelliMem 14336 2048

If neither of those work then kw1281test may not be compatible with your cluster (and there's not a whole lot I can do to add support unless I have that exact cluster to test with - and even then I may not be able to get it to work).
Unfortunate it didn't work. I was able to get the SKC and disable the Immobilizer from the ECU by using a CH341A. But I currently have a flashing Icon on the dash. Turns out the car I bought has a swapped dashpod so Im trying to gain access to it so i can change the VIN and make new keys. So far I tried all programs to gain access to the Dashpod so far with no luck. VAG Commander gives me different SKC numbers that dont work. VAG EEPROM doesnt work either I get an error code saying unkown software version. Only other option I haven't tried is VAG TACHO but i need a Windows XP to make the software work properly.


Active member
Oct 28, 2024
2001 beetle tdi ALH
Unfortunate it didn't work. I was able to get the SKC and disable the Immobilizer from the ECU by using a CH341A. But I currently have a flashing Icon on the dash. Turns out the car I bought has a swapped dashpod so Im trying to gain access to it so i can change the VIN and make new keys. So far I tried all programs to gain access to the Dashpod so far with no luck. VAG Commander gives me different SKC numbers that dont work. VAG EEPROM doesnt work either I get an error code saying unkown software version. Only other option I haven't tried is VAG TACHO but i need a Windows XP to make the software work properly.
How where you able to delete the immobilizer ?


Veteran Member
Feb 10, 2005
Northern VA
'15 T-Reg Exec
First of all, thank you to gmenounos for the work and the alternative to VDS-PRO!

I bought the cheap CH340 KKL cable in the original post a while back, installed drivers (opened the housing to ensure it's a CH340), and am trying to use a Win10 laptop get my SKC ('02 1C Beetle GLS Turbo) to program a backup key and - if things are stable, enable the remote window rollup/down that I did years ago to my last '02 Beetle (that one was a TDI).

My cluster is a 1C0 920 921 F - verfied with VCDS, and was able to read it only once with KW1281Test and the cheap CH3240 KKL cable.

I think the problems I'm seeing are related to the KKL interface - it worked once to read the software version, but not reliably. I've reinstalled drivers, tried with UART buffer on/off, and tried various baud rates. 10400 never works - can't even wake up the interface. I can't set the COM port to 10400, so using 9600 works with the interface, but results in errors talking to the car's modules. (I've tried reading info from the ECU as well as instruments.)

Here's a typical log just trying to read the software version of the module - any suggestions?

Version 0.98.0-beta (
Args: com3 9600 17 readsoftwareversion
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port com3
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Error receiving block: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Partial block: $01 $75 $FE $01
Error receiving blocks: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.ReceiveBlock() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 411
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.ReceiveBlocks() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 354
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.Connect() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 92
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.Kwp1281Wakeup(Boolean ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 40
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 288
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31
OR... trying using COM4, this time going to the skc... same/similar results. (I get the "unexpected block end" errors on other ports, too.)

Version 0.98.0-beta (
Args: com4 9600 17 getskc
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port com4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Error receiving block: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Partial block: $01 $75 $FE $01
Error receiving blocks: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Received block end $01 but expected $03. Block bytes:  01 75 FE 01
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.ReceiveBlock() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 411
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.ReceiveBlocks() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 354
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.KW1281Dialog.Connect() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/KW1281Dialog.cs:line 92
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.Kwp1281Wakeup(Boolean ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 40
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 509
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 275
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31
Not sure what to try next other than a different cable or computer. I have a trusty RS-232 serial KKL but no machine to run it with any more, and my VCDS cable is a HEX-NET...too new.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
Lockridge, IA
2004 PD Jetta/ 2015 Passat TDI SEL
Thank you so much for the hard work of figuring this out. I was able to retrieve my SKC with it on my 2004 PD Jetta. The problem I had was command prompt couldn't find the kw1281test file on my desktop via typing in the name. I was able to click and drag and drop the file into command prompt to run it. Then I typed the last phrase to "GetSKC" and then there it was.


Jan 3, 2023
Czech Republic
Škoda Fabia I 1.4 TDI
Hello, some time ago I reported here problem with obtaining SKC from Škoda Fabia MK1 1.4 TDI. I've tried it now with the latest version (v0.99.2-alpha) and it works 🙂

Version 0.99.2-alpha (
Args: COM1 10400 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: cs-CZ
Opening serial port COM1
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 00101, Workshop Code: 13765
Sending ReadIdent block
Sending Custom "Read Software Version" blocks
Sending Custom "Unlock Additional Commands" block
00: VSQX01LM $10 $01
01: $69 $19
02: $07 $0B $01 $0B $1B $15
03: PQ24_2 LM KW18/02  
Sending Custom "Unlock partial EEPROM read" block
Unlock code for software version 'VSQX01LM 01.10' is 43 43 3D 37
Sending Custom "Get Access Level" block
Access level is 4.
Sending Custom "Seed request" block
Block:  01 0C C3 D9 6A 08 34 16 03 00
Access level 7 secret: $98 $E1 $56 $5F
Sending Custom "Key response" block
Sending Custom "Get Access Level" block
Access level is 7.
Cluster is unlocked for ROM/EEPROM access.
Saving EEPROM dump to TMBPZ46Y444086291_____SKZ7Z0D2394701_$0090_eeprom.bin
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0090, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 75 80 20 B5 6F 3A A3 6A FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00A0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00B0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 12 9D B0 85 92 EB 62 FF 12 9D B0 85 92 EB 62 FF
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00C0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 12 9D B0 85 92 EB 62 FF 22 22 22 06 06 06 00 14
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00D0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 01 80 72 00 10 10 10 02 14 FF FF 01 FF FF FF FF
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00E0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 53 4B 5A 37 5A 30 44 32 33 39 34 37 30 31 53 4B
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00F0, Count: $10)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 5A 37 5A 30 44 32 33 39 34 37 30 31 53 4B 5A 37
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0100, Count: $0C)
Received "Read EEPROM Response" block: 5A 30 44 32 33 39 34 37 30 31 92 08
Saved EEPROM dump to TMBPZ46Y444086291_____SKZ7Z0D2394701_$0090_eeprom.bin
SKC: 02194
Sending EndCommunication block


New member
Nov 29, 2024
Hello all, could someone clarify, is kw1281test only for TDIs? If it works for other cars, what models, years or even makes are generally working?

I have a 12 Jetta, 12 Passat and an 09 Audi A4 I'm trying to make backup key fobs for. The Audi showed the security PIN in VCDS with a rosstech cable upon mouseover of the input field, but the other two did not. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a response using kw1281test on the other two. I tried a kkl cable also. I tried didn't baud speeds and a bunch of other attempts to get something to work with no success. A locksmith said it won't work on ~2004+ models, but I want to know if that is bs or not.

Thanks a lot. I was hoping this cli tool would be the poor-mans answer to regain the ability to control the vehicles I own. My local dealerships won't give me the pin codes.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 11, 2006
Toronto & Muskoka, Canada
2002 Jetta, 2003 Jetta, 2003 Jetta Wagon
Hello all, could someone clarify, is kw1281test only for TDIs? If it works for other cars, what models, years or even makes are generally working?
kw1281test works on VAG cars which use K-Line for diagnostics. It does not work on your CAN bus vehicles. More details in the FAQ (first post in this thread)


New member
Nov 29, 2024
kw1281test works on VAG cars which use K-Line for diagnostics. It does not work on your CAN bus vehicles. More details in the FAQ (first post in this thread)
Thank you. That explains a lot!
"With very few exceptions*, all 2008 and newer VW/Audi Group cars require CAN"

So there are no similar software tools for any 2008+ VWs/Audis? What a shame..

So is it the CAN communication protocol that is the barrier or is there something else like obfuscated code that is the problem. Or maybe no one has reverse engineered the protocol for open source like gmenounos? (Big kudos to him btw!)


Jun 26, 2003
Watertown, MA, USA
'99.5 Golf GLS, '01 Jetta GLX Wagon (TDI conversion)
So there are no similar software tools for any 2008+ VWs/Audis? What a shame..
There are commercial tools like VAGTacho, VAG K+CAN Commander, VAGDashCAN, but they're either expensive or cracked versions from China.

So is it the CAN communication protocol that is the barrier or is there something else like obfuscated code that is the problem. Or maybe no one has reverse engineered the protocol for open source like gmenounos? (Big kudos to him btw!)
For me, the barrier is that I only have K-Line cars to develop and test on. I also don't know if there are any generic CAN cables like there are generic KKL cables.


New member
Dec 5, 2024
Touareg 7P
Firstly, thanks so much for developing this tool!
I am trying to retrieve the SKC on my 2003 Audi A6 C5 using a HEX+CAN cable in VCP mode, but getting the following error. Have tried the two latest versions (0.99.1 & 0.99.2).

\kw1281test_0.99.1-beta_Win10>.\kw1281test.exe com4 10400 17 GetSKC
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.

Version 0.99.1-beta (
Args: com4 10400 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
.NET Version: 8.0.6
Culture: en-AU
Opening serial port com4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 06764, Workshop Code: 53909
Cluster is Audi C5
Sending custom login block
Sending custom login block
Received block: D1 0A 49 00 73 00 11 01 01 F0
Sending login request
Received block: D1 04 06 D3
Dumping EEPROM to AudiC5.bin
Received block: D1 05 15 22 E3
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Expected block of type $72
Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Expected block of type $72
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.AudiC5Cluster.ReadEepromByAddress(UInt32, Byte) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/AudiC5Cluster.cs:line 168
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.AudiC5Cluster.DumpEeprom(UInt32, UInt32, Byte, String) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/AudiC5Cluster.cs:line 129
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.AudiC5Cluster.DumpEeprom(Nullable`1, Nullable`1, String ) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Cluster/AudiC5Cluster.cs:line 113
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 521
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 275
   at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 31
I searched the thread for my cluster but didn't get any results. Is it supported?
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2003
Watertown, MA, USA
'99.5 Golf GLS, '01 Jetta GLX Wagon (TDI conversion)
Firstly, thanks so much for developing this tool!
I am trying to retrieve the SKC on my 2003 Audi A6 C5 using a HEX+CAN cable in VCP mode, but getting the following error. Have tried the two latest versions (0.99.1 & 0.99.2).

Dumping EEPROM to AudiC5.bin
Received block: D1 05 15 22 E3
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Expected block of type $72
I searched the thread for my cluster but didn't get any results. Is it supported?
Yeah, you may be out of luck with that cluster. I've gotten kw1281test to work with several Audi clusters, but I guess yours is different in some way.


Jun 26, 2003
Watertown, MA, USA
'99.5 Golf GLS, '01 Jetta GLX Wagon (TDI conversion)
New release: v0.99.3-beta
  • Updated to .NET 9.
  • Added support for 8L0920900B clusters.
  • Added support for 1JD920826E (software VCB07LL) clusters.
  • Added support for 1M0920800C (software S599CAA) clusters.
  • Added support for 3U0920842B (software KB5M07HH) clusters.
  • After reading the EDC15 EEPROM, logs the SKC, odometer value, VIN and Immobilizer info.
  • Fixed wakeup timing issue caused by writing to the log during timing sensitive code.


New member
Oct 13, 2024
Golf MK4
case "VWK503LL 09.00":
case "VWK503MH 09.00": // 1J0920927 V02
return [[0x3E, 0x35, 0x3D, 0x3A]];

this will add support for VWK503LL 09.00 clusters, already tested it and it works!