New to this discussion...have read the previous posts, but still having time-out issues. Using a Ross-Tech "HEX+CAN" usb HC811015 Rev. B....also have a Ross-Tech KII-USB...both give same results. Is it the cable or would the generic cable work better? Run the program several times on Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptops. Thanks!
Version 0.85-beta (
Args: COM3 10400 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
.NET Version: 7.0.11
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port COM3
Sending wakeup message
Wakeup duration: 2 seconds
Reading sync byte
Retrying wakeup message...
Wakeup duration: 2 seconds
Reading sync byte
Retrying wakeup message...
Wakeup duration: 2 seconds
Reading sync byte
Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Controller did not wake up.
Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Controller did not wake up.
at BitFab.KW1281Test.KwpCommon.WakeUp(Byte, Boolean) in C:\Users\gmeno\src\kw1281test\KwpCommon.cs:line 64
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.Kwp1281Wakeup(Boolean ) in C:\Users\gmeno\src\kw1281test\Tester.cs:line 32
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in C:\Users\gmeno\src\kw1281test\Tester.cs:line 518
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in C:\Users\gmeno\src\kw1281test\Program.cs:line 253
at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in C:\Users\gmeno\src\kw1281test\Program.cs:line 29