Followed that procedure and the immo light never stops blinking and key wont work. Heres the outputs i got. It seems to succsefully get the SKC code however when trying to program the new chip it doesnt seem to acknowledge its there.
C:\Users\John\Downloads\kw1281test_0.65-beta_Win10>kw1281test.exe COM4 10400 17 GetSKC
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.
Version 0.65-beta (
Args: COM4 10400 17 GetSKC
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19043.0
.NET Version: 5.0.8
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port COM4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 07232, Workshop Code: 00066
Sending ReadIdent block
Sending Custom "Read Software Version" blocks
Sending Custom "Unlock Additional Commands" block
00: VAT500LL $01
01: $90 $17
02: $11 $04 $00 $10 $33 $07
03: VW A4 Lowline Maske
Sending Custom "Unlock partial EEPROM read" block
Unlock code for software version VAT500LL 01.20 is 01 04 3D 35
Sending Custom "Need Seed/Key?" block
Received NAK block
Sending Custom "Seed request" block
Received NAK block
Sending Custom "Need Seed/Key?" block
Received NAK block
Failed to unlock cluster.
Saving EEPROM dump to IMMO-IDENTNR_VWZ7Z0Y2678068________$0090_eeprom.bin
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0090, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 56 57 5A 37 5A 30 59 32 36 37 38 30 36 38 56 57
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00A0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 5A 37 5A 30 59 32 36 37 38 30 36 38 56 57 5A 37
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00B0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 5A 30 59 32 36 37 38 30 36 38 82 10 82 10 82 10
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00C0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00D0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 FF 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00E0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 58 58 58 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A5 C9 A6 C9 A6 C9
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $00F0, Count: $10)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: A6 C9 A6 C9 A6 C9 A6 C9 A6 C9 00 00 00 40 08 00
Sending ReadEeprom block (Address: $0100, Count: $0C)
Received "Read ROM/EEPROM Response" block: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF
Saved EEPROM dump to IMMO-IDENTNR_VWZ7Z0Y2678068________$0090_eeprom.bin
SKC: 04226
Sending EndCommunication block
C:\Users\John\Downloads\kw1281test_0.65-beta_Win10>kw1281test.exe COM4 10400 17 AdaptationSave 21 1 04226
KW1281Test: Yesterday's diagnostics...Today.
Version 0.65-beta (
Args: COM4 10400 17 AdaptationSave 21 1 04226
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19043.0
.NET Version: 5.0.8
Culture: en-US
Opening serial port COM4
Sending wakeup message
Reading sync byte
Keyword Lsb $01
Keyword Msb $8A
Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
Software Coding 07232, Workshop Code: 00066
Sending Login block
Received NAK block
Sending AdaptationTest block
Received NAK block
Received a NAK.
Sending EndCommunication block