Veteran Member
I was cleaning my air filter the other night and havin' a beer and I said I wanted to drive this thing tonight, and did not want to wait for the air filter to dry etc. I had a brand new cone filter laying in the shop and decided to throw it on the ole TDI. Well I started it up and the whurrring noise is sweet. I then was psyched to go for a drive. I felt as if I was ten years younger when I was doing my first modification again back in the old Mazda /images/graemlins/cool.gif
I simply layed the cone in the bottom of the air box base with no heat deflector/shield. So I went for a cruise and I did notice a difference. It held boost for a longer period, and it also seeemed as if the boost spiked up more quickly.
Maybe it was a total psychological thing???
I thought I would give a little update as to my findings. Take them for what they are worth.
I simply layed the cone in the bottom of the air box base with no heat deflector/shield. So I went for a cruise and I did notice a difference. It held boost for a longer period, and it also seeemed as if the boost spiked up more quickly.
Maybe it was a total psychological thing???
I thought I would give a little update as to my findings. Take them for what they are worth.