Veteran Member
What first updates or mods would you reccomend? It's a 5 speed manual shift, grinds just a bit into first if shifted from stop to go. Thanks.
Second a suspension refresh. On my '04 daily, I did it at 80k. TT rear control arm bushings, Cupra R rear axle bushings, Bilstein HD's and eventually Black powerflex strut mounts. At 245k they're all still good...but I do wander what new ones would do. The rear axle bushings looked good when I took 'em out but there were witness marks showing how far they were moving. And stiffer is better...PP520s should be fine on the stock clutch. I believe the 99s had a more robust clutch than those coming after anyway.
On the assumption that your suspension is either original or very old, a refresh of dampers, mounts, and bushings will do wonders. I would personally also throw new springs at it, but yours may be fine.
It's a funny thing... I hear some people say that, others, nothing. Personally, it seems like the car is warming up better and no hit on the fuel economy that I've noticed. On my recent US road trip, 8000 km, I was pushing at least 75 MPH and up to 85 on the interstates and highways, and I was getting about 5.9L/100 km. That was with 3 grown people, luggage and a chocolate lab. I drove out west from Ontario two years ago and doing the same... and I was getting about 5.5. Considering the weight differential, I don't think the unplugged EGR is doing anything bad in my case.My 2003 NB kicked on a check engine light when I plugged the EGR line and when I used the VCDS adaptation method, my MPG dropped by 3mpg...I put everything back to stock.
I believe the 2001 uses a different plug as the 2003.So to bring this discussion back on track....... here are a few more questions.
1. Will I be able to swap my pp520 injectors off from my 2001 jetta direct into this 99 beetle? Will this alone slip my clutch?
I don't know... I mean my G70 is also thicker when it's like 20 below freezing outside, still grinds in first.snakeye, next time try some synchomesh (Pennzoil or Valvoline). The G70 is thinner than the original brew.
Synchromesh has been known to cure grinding. Redline MT-90 works great too.