This is a month by month competition. Every time you make an entry it will be added up and recorded together according to the fuel type and car/year you are driving.
THIS IS NOT an individual tank competition (or a partial tank competition for that matter).
Entries will be accepted until February 5th 2012, but remember, report tanks FILLED IN JANUARY.
Entry Format:
Model Year:
Fuel Type:
You are allowed to put more than one fill up in a post, so long as each fill up conforms to format.
MPG: (optional since I will calculate it automatically anyway)
Odometer: (optional)
(anything else you would like to add)
Please put a space after the colon ( ": ")
Please NOTE Units are in US Gallons and Miles
(x)A = x speed automatic
(x)M = x speed manual *
DSG = direct-shift gearbox
CVT = continuously variable transmission
* if you have swapped in a taller 5th gear please noted this (ie: 5M w/.681)
Bx = biodiesel - x is the percentage of bio
Biodiesel use will be indicated in GREEN.
ULSD / LSD / D2 = normal petroleum based diesel
Also please note if it's winterized
- please note if you are using a fuel additive (ie: ULSD +PS)
- - Power Service (PS); Stanadyne (ST); Redline (RL)
Posts not in format will not be tallied / corrected. If I have to do any editing to get your post in format (or to get the correct name), it will not be counted. Feel free to correct your own posts to get them in format.
Please do not go back and add additional fill-ups to a post. Multiple fill-ups per post is fine as long as all fill-ups are in format. If the driver name is not the same as your post name - this will be considered "Not in format" and will not be counted. Only exceptions would be "and spouse" etc.
THIS IS NOT an individual tank competition (or a partial tank competition for that matter).
Entries will be accepted until February 5th 2012, but remember, report tanks FILLED IN JANUARY.
Entry Format:
Model Year:
Fuel Type:
You are allowed to put more than one fill up in a post, so long as each fill up conforms to format.
MPG: (optional since I will calculate it automatically anyway)
Odometer: (optional)
(anything else you would like to add)
Please put a space after the colon ( ": ")
Please NOTE Units are in US Gallons and Miles
(x)A = x speed automatic
(x)M = x speed manual *
DSG = direct-shift gearbox
CVT = continuously variable transmission
* if you have swapped in a taller 5th gear please noted this (ie: 5M w/.681)
Bx = biodiesel - x is the percentage of bio
Biodiesel use will be indicated in GREEN.
ULSD / LSD / D2 = normal petroleum based diesel
Also please note if it's winterized
- please note if you are using a fuel additive (ie: ULSD +PS)
- - Power Service (PS); Stanadyne (ST); Redline (RL)
Posts not in format will not be tallied / corrected. If I have to do any editing to get your post in format (or to get the correct name), it will not be counted. Feel free to correct your own posts to get them in format.
Please do not go back and add additional fill-ups to a post. Multiple fill-ups per post is fine as long as all fill-ups are in format. If the driver name is not the same as your post name - this will be considered "Not in format" and will not be counted. Only exceptions would be "and spouse" etc.
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