Re: It\'s here: Gasoline overtakes Diesel in price!
I just noticed that most stations in my area are selling diesel for about the same as mid-grade gasoline. Diesel isn't dropping... but gasoline is catching up. It doesn't bother me, though... I'm running B100 for $1.70/gal while the MD Soy rebate lasts!
Tornado, is it really worth making four times the number of stops for fuel?
In my opinion, we don't need lower fuel prices. We need more fuel efficient cars. TDIers are driving some of the most fuel efficient cars on the road... we should be the last ones complaining. We really need to curb the oil gluttony in our country... and higher fuel prices seem like the only way to do that.
Yesterday, I had a customer in my store who drives a Jeep Cherokee. He knows about my TDI and was complaining about the price of gas. We got to talking about fuel economy, biodiesel, etc... When I mentioned that biodiesel also produces lower emission, he said, "So what? Diesels don't need to go through emissions." I replied that it was not the fact that they would pass emissions more easily, but that it was better for the environment. He laughed... and again said, "So what? I don't care."
I was speachless. Of course there are people out there who think that way... some of them are in the White House right now. However, I believe that most people have SOME level of concern over the environment... whether it's preserving the wilderness where they go camping, the lake where they go swimming, or the air their children breath. Most people won't admit that they care for the environment, in order to avoid the "hippie" or "tree-hugger" label... but to just come out and say "so what?" I think it's time to force some responsibility on people... since most Americans can't seem to be burdened with any real responsibility. [/rant]