is power REDUCED when the A/C is ON?


Veteran Member
Apr 28, 2001
I can tell you that after about two weeks of ownership of my 01 TDI Jetta with 5 speed that a/c drag is almost invisible. Only noticed power sag one time when letting out clutch uphill. Seemed to feel a/c drag more when I had my '96 full size pickup with 5L V8.


You most notice A/C drag at low RPMs in a gasser because they tend to make their power at relatively high revs. TDIs make gobs or torque at LOW revs. You'll still notice the A/C turning on and off if you concentrate, but it's not obtrusive at all.


think diesel

Veteran Member
Jul 20, 2000
Northern Virginia
I know the phenomenon you are talking about, VdoubleU. Let me say this. I notice the A/C drag on my TDI (stock, no chip or anything) far less than that I had on any of my previous vehicles and that includes my 190 hp V6 Toyota Tacoma!

I am the type of person who would leave the A/C off whenever possible because I *hate* that A/C drag so much and this is the first car I have had that I don't feel compelled to do that in. I use my A/C whenever I want and I don't sweat it

Don't believe me? Ask anyone... or better yet--- Go for a test drive and try it yourself. You'll see

[ May 13, 2001: Message edited by: think diesel ]


Veteran Member
Feb 13, 2000
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
The AC's effect on power to the wheels is so insignificant that highway mileage is better with the AC on than with the windows open. Above about 45 mph, drag from the open windows on the body exceeds drag from the compressor on the engine!

Stay comfortable, burn less fuel, arrive refreshed!

Have a nice day!