That guy with the goats
I sympathize - same deal with my 1995 F-450 (with a 7.3. of course). I wouldn't mind a 6BT someday, though.Thank you. Yeah I've had to do a lot of driveway work on the Cummins since that thing won't fit halfway in my garage. It's always an adventure with the elements when that happens. The vise is kind of critical for the tear down, need to somehow be able to get a grip on the thing.
Dare I even ask how much?Seeing the price of a rebuild from DFIS was really what made me go for this.
I've ordered both those triangle security screws as well as the fuel valves that go between the head and the fuel lines. Their prices were pretty reasonable for what I needed, though I get my viton seal kits from dieselgeek.I know I have the skills, it was more just I hadn't done it before. DFIS does great work and if you have the funds (I did, but I could spend them elsewhere if I tackled this project) they are the best money can buy. I actually ordered a couple of odds and ends for the pump from them as well since they can get all that Bosch stuff.
I'm very much mechanically inclined and good with tools, but not only the lack of sufficient desk/work bench space (and a clean area - the only are I have to set up a work bench both collect MASSIVE amounts of dust on a weekly basis), but a video would be amazing for me. Write ups like yours are totally invaluable, but to actually see it on a video for me, seals the deal. Just how I learn, I guess (I've always been this way).I was definitely intimidated of the project at first, then found some documentation of the internals and thought "this is all just mechanical". So long as things came out and went back in the same way, everything would be good. Once I started getting in there, it was cake. Just have to take precautions and remove things in order, document, and refer to your documentation to put them back in. Honestly setting the plunger height at the end when you have to put the sprocket flange back on was the easy part.