Wipers stop mid swipe
I have an '03 as well, and my wipers will stop while operating. I get them to restart by going to the fastest speed, or going to the wash position (so far no one seems to have noticed that I am washing the windows in the rain).
There are times when I have to push it into the fast position two or three times before they will restart.
I have removed the linkage and it is free (and now lubricated).
Is this a problem with the column mounted switch, or am I getting water (they work fine for about ten minutes after the rain starts) in the motor, or in the wiring somewhere?
I'm hoping someone here has had a similar problem, and can point me to a possible solution.
I've searched this before, and was sure It was the linkage problem. What a surprise to find it free after I got it out.
HELP ! ( I have to pull off the road in a real downpour)