Setting up is not very technical, unlikely even a large error in this would cause any noticable running/injector issues. Far more likely two or more of the injectors didnt seal correctly when fitted. This has happened to me, just need to remove them check the seals didnt move, and refit. To be cautious could try new seals and must always use new bolts.
If this has been an issue since they fitted injectors, take it back.
IF you really want to check the setting follow bellow.
You set the injecors by rotating the engine until the injectors pump unit is fully compressed by its rocker,(it is a long dwell period, much long than a valve spring would be compressed for example they say to use a dial gauge, but you can do by eye with ease)
Then slacken the lock nut (17mm or 18mm can remember) turning the adjustment screw in (6mm allen) until you feel resistance (the pump unit bottoms out) then back off a half turn (to allow for heat expantion) Hold the adjuster and tighten the lock nut.