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The following are my suggestions.
1. Set the Crankshaft at TDC by looking at the Factory mark thru the view hole in the transmission. Set it dead-on with the V pointing at the groove in the Pressure Plate on the Flywheel......... you must start there.
2. Valve Cover off, verify by seeing that the two Cam Lobes on #1 are roughly at 10:00 and 2:00 as well as putting the Cam Lock in place........ or, if you do not have a Cam Lock tool, at least see that the slot in the end of the Camshaft is horizontal with the top of the head. (The Vacuum Pump will have to be removed to see the slot in the end of the Camshaft.) *See note below..
3. Next, use a light and mirror to verify that the Injection Pump (IP) is at TDC. You can see the hole with a mirror. I did this today on a 2001 Jetta. Now, by wiggling the Crankshaft forward or backward very, very slightly, you should be able to insert the lock pin. If you cannot do this, well, the Timing relationship of the Crankshaft and IP are screwed up.
4. So, with the above in order, (Camshaft, Crankshaft and Injection Pump (IP) all at TDC), loosen the three bolts on the IP Cog. Next, using a 22mm wrench or adjustable wrench, rotate the IP shaft, forward or backward so that the three bolts are roughly dead-center in the slots of the IP Cog. Then, tighten the three bolts at least 12 to 15 ft lbs.
Your engine should start right there.
I've changed a crap load of Timing Belts on ALH engines. I've never had one to fail to start. In fact, they've all almost immediately fired-up with very little cranking.
I've been inside several early model MK1 Bosch Injection Pumps as well as a few on these ALH engines, in my opinion, the IP can only be in-time or off-time by 180 degrees ..... no other way to be out of time internally. If I am wrong, hopefully someone will make it clear.
Do not use Starting Fluid of any kind.
Note: Without the proper tool, removing the Valve Cover Bolts can be tricky, especially those two next to the Intake and EGR assembly. But, you can verify the Camshaft position by only removing the Vacuum Pump as described above.
Hopefully, others will chime in..
I hope this helps.
Keep us posted.