If you could do one thing, a mod or what not, not a VCDS mod a physical mod to your TDI what would it be
, and on the other hand if there was one you regret doing.
I am stumped ever since I got the TDI after having my 08 Jetta 2.5 for 2 years and doing a few mods to it, and going thru a royal pain of a warranty nightmare that VW purchased it back from me and got me into my 2011 Golf TDI. I had a huge list for the Jetta, the Golf looks good the way it is, I have a few things in mind, like my signature says and a few others like tint and maybe blacking out my trim, but I wanted to see what you guys and gals have done or want to do...
The one I regret doing, was lowering it, a friend gave me a set of H&R Ultra Lows as a gift for helping him install his Airride setup, I don't know the differences between the GTI and the TDI was but my car was way lower then his and the coils were cranked all the way up, 3 days after installing the coils I am happily back on stock springs. But I now have a set of super sport springs sitting in the corner and wondering if I want to try again and put in some heavier sway bars.
So TDICLUB whats on your list of hits and misses?