Stefan: Forget it. No TDI's to foreigners. We have our standards. You might try Miami. If you want to rent it, they'll find it. All you need is money.
Come out to Arizona. We'll rent you a sandrail or a dune buggy. More fun, ups the risk factor a bit, but hey, none of us live forever. NOthing like breaking down on El Camino del Diablo in June. Especially when you forget water.
TDISmokin: Actually, down here, Harley riders wave at us cretins driving Japanese bikes that will, of course, eat a Harley's lunch. They're a bit nervous when they cruise down the road at speed (as in 55 mph) and one of us blasts buy at 140. But then driving at such speeds is, of course, imprudent.
Boswell Bear: We have a real eclectic community down here when it comes to motorcycles. Every Wednesday night in Bisbee we meet on Erie Street. Harleys, BMWs, Moto Guzzis, Ducatis, the full line of ferociously fast Jap bikes, an occasional weirdo (MuZ, LaVerda, etc.)and a bunch of "cruisers." Even some women riders. God love 'em.
Everyone down here, regardless of what one rides, waves. To do otherwise is a mortal sin. (a local's motorcycle plate holder says, "Rider carries less than $20 in ammunition").
Maybe the simplest thing to do re: the TDI scene, is to flick the hi beams. That'll get the oncoming VWs attention. He/she will look at you. You wave, smile. Done deal. If they don't wave, smile, well, some folks are like that.
Ted White, Bisbee,AZ
'99.5 Black Jetta TDI
'00 Suzuki SV650