Identify yourself


Mar 18, 1999
Dallas, TX
Often times when I'm driving, I see another TDI. That person gives a thumbs-up or an excited wave. I wave back and then wonder if this person is someone that has either read any of my postings or visa versa. I thought it would be interesting to see if any fellow forums readers would indentify themselves by placing their UserName somewhere on their car. This would identify Fred's TDI forums readers and make us able to recognize eachother. I know it's not some sort of secret club, but in a parking lot or other convenient place you might see a fellow TDIer that you have a common ground with them. It could lead to a long lasting friendship!!


Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2000
Mansfield, TX USA
That's really a shame, you know? I guess that's the world we've made for ourselves. You never know if a stranger is going to be friendly or is some nut that's going to end you.

That's really sad. That guy probably was just being overly cautious. But who could blame him? You never know...


Veteran Member
Oct 31, 1999
Northern Virginia USA
Yeh I am all for the secret handsignal or handshake
It is a shame that the owners (especially of NEW VW's) don't recognize the inate comraderie that comes with or at least used to come with being a V-dub driver. I wave/nod at VW's all the time and 9 times out of 10 drivers of older (10 yrs or older) VW's will understand why I am doing so and respond in a friendly way...

I hate to say it-- but the VAST majority of new VW owners either pretend they dont notice you or look disgusted/disturbed.
This especially goes for (I hate to say it) B5 Passat drivers.
At least around here-- they all seem to have a serious case of that "attitude ala BMW" and it is not cool! Unfortunately that make the rest of us new VW owners look like pricks.

Be nice, people: When you see that air-cooled bus rumbling along, dont blast past him yakking on your Nokia, instead pass slowly-- toot your horn and give a wave and a smile. It will make both of your days a little better


New Jetta GL TDI
Atlantic blue w/gray

My other car is a Specialized Stumpjumper.


Veteran Member
May 10, 1999
HAckensack, NJ USA
I can remember in the late 70's that owners of MG's Triumph's and Fiat's all used to toot thier horn or flash their high beams when passing at an interesction or red light.The first time it happened to me, I was delighted to be included in this defacto fraternity. I'm only 38 yrs old, but things have changed dramacticly in the last 20 years. There isn't much driver courtesy left these days, so I welcome the opportunity to recognize others in our semi exclusive little club. I will continue to toot, wave and gesture to other TDI owners whether they like it or not!


Veteran Member
Jun 11, 1999
In a flood zone
'00 Golf GLS, '03 Wagon GL
Over on the "other" forum, TDIesel from San Diego came up with this cool passcode for TDIers at the New Dimensions show a couple weekends ago:

"How wide is the gap on your sparkplugs?"

I thought it was appropriate for meeting true dieselheads!

Karl Roenick

Top Post Dawg
Sep 22, 1999
Clifton Park, NY, US
NB people wave all the time to me (NB). Old beetles too, but they're a rarity now in the great NorthEast.

I've said this before but I'll say it again. A few months ago I tried to show my solidarity with another tdi-er (my plate is TDIBUG): she gave me a not-so-secret hand gesture in return.


Veteran Member
Dec 23, 1999
I've toned down my enthusiasm to talk TDI w/ strangers; recently, I pulled into our local mall behind some gentleman driving an A4 TDI Jetta, parked near him, and asked him how he liked his TDI....the guy didn't (pretended to not?) speak English, and he made fast tracks for the entrance; I think he was worried I was a carjacker or something!

Boswell Bear

Veteran Member
Jun 7, 1999
Madison, WI
former 1999.5 Golf/current 2013 Beetle Convertible
Karl: She was simply telling you that you are "Number 1" with her. You mean that is not the special forum secret signal? Uh-oh.... Wait until I meet Father Guido again.


Veteran Member
Apr 24, 2000
Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada
To this day, most motorcycles still wave to each other. I guarantee there are a lot more bikes on the road than TDI's.
It should be a rite of passage to have to flash or wave to all VW's.
We all just gotta do it.!!
Harley guys often dont wave when I blow their doors off with my 140HP bike!!!
They are a weird lot anyways...
No offence to all you harley guys out there.


I am an elitist. I drive a TDI!!

TDI Steve

Veteran Member
Oct 18, 1999
2000 Golf
Claude, since when do Harleys have doors?

I nod when I see another VW, unfortunately most are punk assed kids who think I want to race. I once nodded to a GTI while we on the highway (good deal of traffic, but moving very fast) and he gunned it- must have been surprised when my TDI caught up. Too bad I had to get off at that exit...


Veteran Member
Nov 10, 1999
SW corner of Michigan
2K Golf, 05 Sprinter 118
From the poster location tags I know who is in my neighborhood.

I'm looking for Golfs (Kato's Red and Nomad's Silver) but haven't spotted them yet.

I see a blue passat station wagon downtown everyday, and a green a3 jetta at the palatine train station but I doubt they are freds fans.

How about the "V". "OK"? My vote would be for the horizontal palm "cruizin" sign.

Blk/Blk Debadged 2000 Golf GL TDI


Veteran Member
Feb 19, 1999
Arlington VA
2000 Golf GLS, Candy White
I usually point at the other VW, and then give a "thumbs up". Sometimes it takes a second or two to 'click', but always get at least a smile or chuckle in return.

Ich bin ein TDI'er

Boswell Bear

Veteran Member
Jun 7, 1999
Madison, WI
former 1999.5 Golf/current 2013 Beetle Convertible
I have this theory about Harley riders. After all, they are the ONLY bikers that, as a general rule, do not acknowledge other bikes.

Originally, when I realized they wouldn't even pick up a flipper and wave when they saw me on the BMW, I thought they were merely arrogant and stuck up. It then dawned on me their bikes were probably vibrating so badly that they were simply too frightened to let go of the bar with one hand. I have finally reached the conclusion that they are just sitting there totally flabbergasted that anyone can wave and ride a motorcycle at the same time....

(Sort of like why you see so many ex-Marines with pockmarks on their faces. Has to do with learning how to eat with a fork....)

I would not recommend repeating either of these conjectures in any gathering of bike-riding Marines....


Well-known member
Oct 12, 1999
manchester, ct
Boswell Bear- Good one

I have found there to be two kinds of VW drivers:
1) The I have fallen for the advertising when I bought the Jetta, why are YOU waving to me?

2) I'll take your ass on, who do you think you are?

But I do have to say I was at the CVA Show this past weekend in Norwalk, CT and met Jaime and his son. He had a very nice NB and was a pleasure to talk to. I spoke to them because his son the TDI t-shirt..



Well-known member
May 7, 2000
The Netherlands

I love your idea's, as usual, but I think this time I'll have to pass.
If I have to start waving or even tooting at other TDI drivers around here, I can better directly hook my horn to the battery and buy a fake arm to stick out the window!

I'll remember this when I'm over in the States again. Do Hertz or Alamo rent TDI's to foreigners?


2000 Bora, Black
Trendline, 115hp TDI,
6-speed manual


Veteran Member
Sep 8, 1999
NW Chicago burbs
99.5 Golf GL, A/T, flash red; 04 Jetta GL, A/T, wheat beige; 06 Golf GLS, A/T, blue anthracite
I'm always on the look-out for TDI's. There pretty rare here.

One of things that irritates me the most is that I can't find out if it's a TDI Golf or Jetta unless I come up from behind. A lot of times, I end up letting them pass so that I can leer at their rear end. Forget the NB's cause theres no markings at all!

I propose that we could ID each other if we
1) put TDI badges on both FRONT and BACK.
2) and modify the badge in some way. Paint the "I" red or dotting the "I" (by taping across the "I" or sticking a dot above it.

Someone posted that a front TDI badge for an A3 was only $10. And tape is cheap. Whad'ya think?


Veteran Member
Sep 5, 1999
Bisbee, AZ USA
Jetta, 99.5, black
Stefan: Forget it. No TDI's to foreigners. We have our standards. You might try Miami. If you want to rent it, they'll find it. All you need is money.

Come out to Arizona. We'll rent you a sandrail or a dune buggy. More fun, ups the risk factor a bit, but hey, none of us live forever. NOthing like breaking down on El Camino del Diablo in June. Especially when you forget water.

TDISmokin: Actually, down here, Harley riders wave at us cretins driving Japanese bikes that will, of course, eat a Harley's lunch. They're a bit nervous when they cruise down the road at speed (as in 55 mph) and one of us blasts buy at 140. But then driving at such speeds is, of course, imprudent.

Boswell Bear: We have a real eclectic community down here when it comes to motorcycles. Every Wednesday night in Bisbee we meet on Erie Street. Harleys, BMWs, Moto Guzzis, Ducatis, the full line of ferociously fast Jap bikes, an occasional weirdo (MuZ, LaVerda, etc.)and a bunch of "cruisers." Even some women riders. God love 'em.

Everyone down here, regardless of what one rides, waves. To do otherwise is a mortal sin. (a local's motorcycle plate holder says, "Rider carries less than $20 in ammunition").

Maybe the simplest thing to do re: the TDI scene, is to flick the hi beams. That'll get the oncoming VWs attention. He/she will look at you. You wave, smile. Done deal. If they don't wave, smile, well, some folks are like that.

Ted White, Bisbee,AZ
'99.5 Black Jetta TDI
'00 Suzuki SV650


Veteran Member
Dec 21, 1999
Canton, Ct.
I have given up here in CT on waving at other TDI owerns, we just do not have a "wave at you and smile" type of culture. I would say it's more a "who the #@$%& are you to wave at me, I don't remember #@$%& talking to you, you %&*$#@-head" I can see this out west but not here in the North East. Too much "I hate you for being is my eyesight" type of culture.

2000 Jetta, Green
GLS TDI 5-Speed

[This message has been edited by Mthiker (edited June 12, 2000).]


TDIClub Enthusiast, Pre-Forum Veteran Member
Oct 21, 1998
Cambridge, MA
5-door, 5-speed Golf GLS replaced BeetleGo.
Ahhh. We're back on this topic again. I think it was in '98 that this got tossed around before.

I would propose that people who wave and get bent when people do not reciprocate think a little longer about their assumptions as to why those people do not respond.

I'll bet the vast majority have less sinister reasons than you describe here. It's a little surprising to read all these slams about total strangers, as if you knew what motivates them.

My $.02

BeetleGo, went that-a-way

"You said this was a DIESEL?!"

Boswell Bear

Veteran Member
Jun 7, 1999
Madison, WI
former 1999.5 Golf/current 2013 Beetle Convertible
Mthiker: Yeah, I grew up out there (in Cos Cob). Waving is definitely NOT part of that culture (or lack thereof). Went back last summer for the first time in 20+ years. Wow! Don't even make eye contact with those folks - I think it automatically induces road rage. You stated it quit accurately.

On the other hand, in Canada they'll damn near get out of their cars and just chat, eh? Friendliest folks I've been around in half a century. I suspect if you wave, they'll offer you lunch or a beer - just to be civil.


Mar 18, 1999
Dallas, TX
So, by the responses posted you obviously do not like this idea about a Username ID? I just thought it would be cool to see a TDI go by and recognize that you have read something by this person.

[This message has been edited by Sparky (edited June 12, 2000).]


Veteran Member
Dec 21, 1999
Canton, Ct.
Boswell Bear: you're right eye contact does induces road rage.

Sparky: how wide is your spark gap? LOL
Don't have a problem with the username nor the stickers Stealth TDI has.

2000 Jetta, Green
GLS TDI 5-Speed

Boswell Bear

Veteran Member
Jun 7, 1999
Madison, WI
former 1999.5 Golf/current 2013 Beetle Convertible
If you look at my website (whatever it is - dparnell may remember) you will realize it is impossible for ME to go by anyone without them realizing who it is. I think the hat gives it away....

However, to answer your question more seriously, I agree that it might be a neat idea but like you I can't figure a way to identify TDIs. The best idea I've had was a license plate bracket that says "VW DERF" - which is just about as obscure as anyone can get (except maybe Ric who is beyond obscure - or was that obscene? - in standalone mode).

Anyway, I guarantee if you wave - I'll wave. Of course, if you wave too much someone is liable to think you are the Queen of England (except, again, Ric who is fairly certain HE is the Queen of England) - a common mistake here in the Colonies.


Veteran Member
Apr 22, 2000
Mansfield Center, CT
99.5 Golf GLS TDI, Red. 400K+ miles
I live in CT (eastern) and also have my eyes pealed for other TDI's (esp. Golf). Starting to see a few here and there but feel that I am more excited to see a "family" member than they might be. A quick look into the eyes can tell a lot...Dazed, bug-eyed...I usually leave alone.


TDIClub Enthusiast, Pre-Forum Veteran Member
Oct 21, 1998
Cambridge, MA
5-door, 5-speed Golf GLS replaced BeetleGo.
Boswell, you crack me up!

BeetleGo, went that-a-way

"You said this was a DIESEL?!"


Veteran Member
Apr 28, 2000
Ellington, CT
I like Boswell's idea of the "VW Derf" license plate bracket.

Obscure, yet identifying. Subtle, yet bold!


2000 NB TDI

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