That's how every rain sensor that I know of works. They shine IR light on the glass. When there's no rain it's reflected back to the sensor. When there is rain the water on the glass makes it reflect less.
News to me!
I got a hold of a few extra sensors to do some testing. Previously in the thread I had mentioned that I think the T4/1 pin is the signal to the relay for when to wipe. The sensor currently installed in my car shows .6 volts with water or my hand over the sensor.
I tested three additional sensors and got a different result on the last one.
Sensor 1 - .6 volts with an occasional spike to 4.9 with my finger on the sensor.
Sensor 2 - .6 volts all the time.
Sensor 3 - 4.9 volts all the time with a dip in voltage each time my finger covers the sensor. This is very repeatable compared to sensor 1.
Sensor in car - .6 volts all the time.
I'm wondering if sensor 3 is the one that is behaving correctly. The relay would see a change in voltage and then require the wipers to wipe with each dip in voltage. If this is the case I get these sensors aren't very reliable after baking in the summer heat for a few years.
Here are some pics of one sensor taken apart.
Lens removed
Side view. Appears to be a 2 PCBs sandwiched together.
Where are the IR LEDs? they don't seem to on here.
Next step is going to be plugging the sensors into the car.