I realize this Thread is for learning about Xenforo.
Anyway, here is something I put together a few years back for using the TDI Club photo gallery.
Working from these instructions here, I suggest that you open a second TDI Club website in your browser and follow along as I take you through each step. You can always use the Back arrow to back out of something you think is not right, or close out entirely and start over. Later in the instructions, I'll ask you to open a third TDI Club website.
Part 1: Creating an Album (An Album is where you will upload photos in the TDI Club. Thus this is the first thing you need to do.)
So, in the other TDI Club website you have open, look at the dark bar across the top. You should see several headings (look for Media)
1. Click on Media. A window will drop down.
2, Click on Your Albums
3. After clicking on Your Albums, a new Page will open. In that Page, to the right, click on Add Media which will open a highlighted window.
4. After clicking on Add Media, scroll to the bottom (way down) .... you'll see, Create Personal Album
5. Click on Create Personal Album. A new Page will open.
6. In the new Page, there is a place to give the Album a Title and immediately below is a place to provide a Description of the Album. This info helps those doing searches, as well as those reading about your Album........... you cannot say too much about each Album in the description.
Example for your new Album
Title: Engine Wiring, BRM
Description: Wiring, circuits, relays, etc., pertaining to a BRM engine
7. Now, just below the Title and Description you'll see Save. Click on Save. Now, your new Album has been created.
Part 2: Uploading Photos
On that same page, upper left you will see, Upload File. That is where you click to upload photos. (do not click on it now)
Now, assuming you have closed out after creating the Album, the following instructions will bring you back to Upload File.
1. Go back to Home
2. Click on Media
3 Click on Your Albums
4. Click on the Album you just created (or, if you have created a number of albums, just click on the one you want to add photos)
5. To the right, you'll see Add Media
6. Click on Add Media
7. Now, you will see Upload File
8. Click on Upload File ............. Now, go find your photo for posting in the new Album you just created. Obviously, you need to know where your photos are located on your personal device (Desktop PC, LapTop, Chip, etc.) You will need to follow this same set of procedures for each photo you want to upload to your Album(s). Also, you can add a description of your photo ........ tell us what the photo is about.
Of course, when you create an Album, you can go directly to Upload File immediately without closing out. But, the above instructions are to guide you through the process when you go back to that Album or any others you might create.
Next, is to post photos to Threads.........
Part 3: Posting Photos
The following are instructions on how to Post pics from your Albums.
In the TDI website where you created the Album, go back to the home page. (for instructional purposes, that is the second website)
Keep this website open so that you can continue to read the instructions, Now, open a third TDI Club website. It will be where you want to post the photos, such as a Thread you have started or maybe posting in an existing Thread where you are participating, committing, etc. To clarify, typically, you will only need two TDI Club websites open at the same time, one for the Album(s) and one where you want to post the photos.
So, to proceed, you need to do the following....
1. In the second website, click on Media........ again, a Window will drop down.
2. In that Window, click on Your Albums, a new Page will open
3. There you will see your new Album and any other albums that you may create. You will see up to 4 photos in each Album that you have created. The name(s) of your albums will not be visible. You will need to hover your cursor over any of the four photos to see the name of the Album. As you add Albums, a maximum of 12 Albums per page will be visible. When the number of albums exceeds twelve, a new page will be created which can be seen at the bottom left.
4. Now, click on your new Album or the Album you are searching for.
5. After clicking on the Album, all the photos in it will come up (18 per page). If there are more pages, you'll see the numbers at the bottom left. Click on them to move thru the photos. The most recent photos come up first. The oldest photos are in the higher numbered pages.
6. Now, click on the Photo you want to post in the Thread in the other website where you maybe working.
7. Now, with that photo up, scroll all the way down the page! On the right, you will see Share This Media
8. The second link is what you are looking for (copy image BB code)
9. Now, Left Click on the link which will highlight it. Now, Right Click on it. You'll see "copy"
10. Click on Copy.
Now, you can click on the other TDI Club Website that you have open so that you can paste the link in the post your are working on. Right click where you want the photo and click on Paste.
Once you've pasted the link, to the right and at bottom, you'll see Preview. Click on Preview to see your image (photo). You can post numerous photos but remember to post them one on top of the other with a space between them. If you post them to the right of each the page will be extremely wide.
Yes, this is complicated........ but, if you do it a number of times you'll get the hang of it.
I hope this helps............... And, if any member knows a better way, please, by all means, tell us about it.