The easiest and least intrusive way is to get a device that plugs into your obdII port(scangauge, ultragauge, vcds possibly) and use that as a readout if you dont want to install a water temp gauge. You can observe it change as you drive around, some of them can set up alarms for low or high temp.Dumb Question - in 2012 Jetta who can I tell my engine temperature? There is no display.
ps thinking about picking up insulation for the front this afternoon. Temps are 32 F in the morning consistently now.
Just ordered 2 sets of grill blocks for (2) 2011 Golf TDI's from One thing I didn't like about the Jetta's was no temperature display. I also use a ScanGauge II on the Golf even thou it has a temperature gauge.In my 2012, I run the Torque app ($5) on my Android phone with the Bluetooth OBD-II dongle ($20 on amazon) to display the temperature.
IDParts said they're coming out with a winter front for our car soon, so be on the lookout. Similar to this I believe...
it was -30 when I put the insulation the hardware store parking lot.....had other priorities. LOL!!!!^^^ Cracking me up with the barcode sticker still on the pipe insulation. I'm sure it will come off on its own and the foam looks just fine on there, though.
Touché.it was -30 when I put the insulation the hardware store parking lot.....had other priorities. LOL!!!!
Put mine on yesterday....30 secs at highway speed and its at 90c.....very nice and cheap.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, I've has zero overheating issues. Nothing at all. It's been an average of 30 degrees these past 2 weeks and this has definitely sped up my warm up time.Is anyone aware of any overheating or fan problems associated with covering the grill? What about the air intake I read somewhere that the right side of the grill is the air intake?
There's a difference between "blocking the grill" and "blocking the air intake" - the grill-blocker (foam, cardboard, fancy vinyl dealie) only slows down the 70mph+ wind from going directly over the radiator and engine block (notice all the space around the ends of the foam). If you stopped up the air intake itself, *then* you'd probably have a problem.What about the air intake I read somewhere that the right side of the grill is the air intake?
I did the pipe insulation thing the last couple of weeks as we had a cold spell here in Seattle (low in teens, highs in mid-20s). As we warmed up I left the top and bottom grilles covered as temps warmed up to nearly 40F. No overheating at all in city or freeway driving. Removed the top grille covers as we started to get in the mid-40 to 50F range. No issues.Is anyone aware of any overheating or fan problems associated with covering the grill? What about the air intake I read somewhere that the right side of the grill is the air intake?
you need a new t-stat.It was only 40° F here this morning but it warmed up noticeable faster. However, it didn't run any warmer as I expected. My engine runs very consistently at 170° F in 30°-60° weather. Whether I'm rolling 70mph on the highway or stop-and-go traffic it sits within a few degrees of 170. That seems a bit cool to me...wouldn't I benefit from it running a bit warmer? The pipe foam didn't seem to effect the peak temperature at all.
Could you possibly elaborate? Maybe explain how my explanation had led you to believe this? I don't doubt you, it may be bad, although it was replace 50k miles ago with T-belt need a new t-stat.
Was it an OEM Volkswagen part or aftermarket? The OEM thermostat is rated at 87C (about 190F), that being the temperature when it begins to open.Could you possibly elaborate? Maybe explain how my explanation had led you to believe this? I don't doubt you, it may be bad, although it was replace 50k miles ago with T-belt job.
Agreed, need a new t-stat.
I only had a few overheating incidents, and that's when I was towing about 1000 lbs at 70mph. No big deal I pulled over, pulled out one side of insulation, hit the highway and the temp dropped instantly. You'll be fine.Is anyone aware of any overheating or fan problems associated with covering the grill? What about the air intake I read somewhere that the right side of the grill is the air intake?
170 is too low for outdoor temperatures that are above freezing. You should be able to hit mid-180s pretty easily (certainly within 10 miles of driving on the highway).I'm curious too. My 01tdi always runs at 170 on my ultragauge, the needle is pointed at 190 on the dummy gauge on the dash. Should it be higher than 170 on my ultra gave?