Better? In general, not really. If you pay off your loan after you've started the submittals for buyback, you'll need to restart the process. Granted, that process is running faster than a few months ago, so it's not a significant delay.
The new submittal will require the title. Some states don't provide the owner with a title until the lien is paid, so there's a potential DMV delay. Other states with a two-copy title system have caused VW hangups because the owner's copy of the title lists a lienholder, which at least one forum member here had to work through.
Lastly, if you pay it off but don't change the paperwork, and VW sends a check to your lender, in at least one instance recently the bank refused the check (rather than roll it over to the owner) because they wouldn't accept payment to a closed loan account.
Point being there are potential hiccups no matter which way you choose. For the great majority, VW's process has worked, albeit usually slower than hoped or intended. Nothing is wrong with paying the loan early, but it doesn't guarantee an error-free buyback.