its easy to have more lubriosity when compared to soap??? I buy bulk farm fuel and serveral years ago I had a choice of buying from several tanks Gulf, Texaco, Mobil, Howell, Shamrock, and EXXon.. now all have closed down except for Howell and shamrock... So no matter which jobber i pick ie (texaco, or gulf or whoever) they always complain about the long lines & waits to get their fuel from the shamrock depot. There was originally suppose to have been 3 colors of fuel,, clear for highway, blue for farm and red for govt.. but the blue never had enough demand... so for farm use i get red fuel.. interesting enough, the same fuel delivered to the 3 army posts and 5 air force bases around here, for road use i get clear... which i'll bet you a steak dinner is most likely in every fueling station in this town... the only thing premium diesel means it that the supplier has to have additional documentation to fill those request and specs so he has to do more sampling on his diliveries so therefore a higher cost.... I suspect that no 1 diesel is just no 2 diesel with different levels of additives.. the old vw manuels use to have you add 1 gal of gasoline to 10 gals of diesel to make you own "no 1 diesel" so i believe the dealers add how evermuch addivtive needed to provide the guarnteed flow at a given temperature.. b t w , adding gasoline to diesel lowers the power while increasing the coldweather flow.