Scangauge xGauge Coding for MAF
Some folks over at CLEANMPG.COM had a gread discussion on how the coding works...
Here is how my MAF xgauge is set up...
TXD 686AF10110 ;reads OBDII MAF
RXF 044145100000 ;the number 4 in the 5th position gives you two decimal
RXD 2810 ;specifies scangauge to read 2bytes (0 to 655.35)
MTH 000100010000 ; math is simple, multiply by 1, divide by 1, no adder
Works on my car, only problem is that this is an OBDII reading with untils of grams/second but VAG-COM users are used to readings with untils of miligrams/stroke(
edit: its stroke not rotation)
I need to find some time to connect VAG-COM and see what my MAF is actually reading these days but the requesting readings should be (according to my math, someone please correct me):
take mg/R multiply by rpm and divide by 30,000 to get g/s
here is the normal MAF test range (
if you don't have the VAG-COM EGR adaptation, idle = ~230mg/R or 6.9g/s) c
idling with egr operating ~370mg/R @ 900rpm = ~11.1g/s
3rd gear accelerating wot >800mg/R @ 3000rpm = >80.0g/s
I know my MAF reads too high (possible bad maf or egr not working which is what I would like to troubleshoot if these kids and my wife ever give me an hour alone with my car!) but here are my numbers:
idle: 14.6g/s @ 900rpm
(edit: turns out my EGR was not working)
max: 103g/s @ 3000rpm
Anyone else want to try it and post the numbers? Input appreciated.