Hi rfortson!
What JSW did you get? What dealer did you use? Congratulations!! I hope you absolutely enjoy it and have no major issues!!!
Is this your first TDI/diesel? (nevermind, reading comprehension fail)
I'm still trying to figure out what diesel brands are generally believed to be better. And I'm trying to figure out if the Optilube or Stanadyne additives are avail. locally. DON'T miss the threads in Lubricity on additives, rfortson....you'll have to make your own decision on them, but read thoroughly and know your options. As for me, I'm using Power Service (grey bottle) available at Autozone, until I get some of the 'better' stuff.
-------------In other local subjects-------------
Last night, in the Kingwood HEB parking lot, I saw a Candy White 2009 JSW TDI auto. I left a napkin note on the wiper, telling them about TDIClub.com and our pending get-together. Hopefully, we'll add another to our fold. Or, maybe they'll just think I'm nuts.