Help me understand my engine map (1.9L ALH) (Or I intend to do stupid things)


Veteran Member
Jan 8, 2016
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Vendor , w/Business number
Sep 23, 2001
currently 99 beetle and 2011 335d
Vag Edit says:

Bosch Part Number: 0281010385

Software ID: 038906012CP SG2839

I think it was the 028 that needs to match, and there are ASV ECU's starting with 028.
038906012JK 5688

This one uses the same damos as your 012CP and is a 100% match. No 4motion block though


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2017
Bora Mk4(ALH)
Given that my Jetta doesn't have 4motion, the lack of the 4motion block wont do any harm.

Thank you for your time, when I have some free time I'm gonna try the cross flash :D

EDIT: Just so I dont be totally dumb, and hope I'm not being to annyoing..

Is the immo code in the bin file, or its stored in an eeprom separeted from the bin file?
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2017
Bora Mk4(ALH)
038906012JK 5688
This one uses the same damos as your 012CP and is a 100% match. No 4motion block though
The closest BIN I have found is the 038906012G SG3334 from the Skoda Fabia AHF, it has the desired 13 columns smoke limiter vs the 10 mine has, but that one might not be compatible with my ecu hardware.

There is also the option to get a cheapo ASV ecu and just swap it, they cost 40€ or less, if the wiring harness is compatible I wouldn't mind doing so.
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New member
Jun 24, 2018
Hi there everyone!

Have anyone tuned AJM ECU (Audi A4 1.9TDI 85KW 110BHP)?

I recently threw away egr and judger with all the vacuum line and left only n75 in place. After that it was powerless under 2000 rpm. Started to read this topic and deleted the egr in ECU, modified driver wish and boost target at low revs (1400-2000rpm) and got it working nicely.

But here comes the big question.

How much is it ok to tune if everything is in stock?
10%, 15%, 20% bigger values in charts before it starts to break anything?

I know that at first i need to do logs and from there i should start to look for what and how much to change, but gave my vcds cable to my brother yesterday and cant to that in a near week. - 038906019AN-AG 1301
Also VAGSuite gives as i think all the main charts already labeled for my ECU :)
With WinOls it wasn't that simple.

I apologize if there is too many grammar mistakes!

Digital Corpus

Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 2008
Ontario, California
'97 B4 w/ 236K mi body, 46K mi soul

I'm going to bump this thread. I've been using the last public version of EDCSuite for some time because nothing has changed in the MSA15.5 or EDC15xxxxx end for the most part. I'm posting 2 spreadsheets that can be used in conjunction to help one do some tuning themselves. Of course, I am in no way responsible for how you use these tools.

First one is a sheet I use to parse tab-separated values back into a format EDCSuite understands. This is a simple tool: Paste "Decimal View" style, tab-separated values into the first, indicated table. And then copy the yellow cells and use the "Paste selected cells" right-click menu in EDCSuite.

I made this because for some reason (could entirely be my fault with what I've disabled in Windows) I've never had full success using the "Import map from Excel" feature, so I made, and have been using, a little sheet to add the necessary row & column and syntax to values so I can copy-and-paste back into EDCSuite.

I know there are a couple of maps larger than 17 columns and 16 rows, but the "paste at current position" in EDCSuite solves that. Plus, there is a character-per-cell limit in Excel and splitting the output into 4 cells circumvents it. The numeric format should be equivalent to what you get from "Decimal View" such as 51 mg/str being "5100".

EDCSuite Parser.xlsx

Digital Corpus

Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 2008
Ontario, California
'97 B4 w/ 236K mi body, 46K mi soul
The second tool I think deserves its own post. It's a spreadsheet that is a helper in figuring out safe boost levels if you have a compressor map. Everything I've seen out there is a bit crude, and though it works, the reason why its crude is because psychrometrics can be hard and most don't have the working knowledge of mathematics or handy calculators to deal with running those calculations.

This sheet has spots for 4 surge-to-top-speed lines of whichever turbos you wish to input. I've left space for a user defined turbo and you can replace the data of any of the existing ones there. I used the open source software Engauge Digitizer to trace and output CSV data I used from existing turbocharger compressor maps that are out there.

In order for this sheet to work properly, you need to know the volumetric efficiency of your engine. I did my own tests on this way back when so I didn't have to used a constant, estimated value. Please note that the 5000 RPM value is an interpolated one at this time since I haven't retested., but I digress...

Back psychrometrics. You can define your ambient temperature in °F or °C and altitude in feet or meters as well as relative humidity. The default is via Imperial, but the math is run from the metric output :p. You can define two sets of atmospheric parameters and they will be averaged for the final computation.

You can define 15 individual RPM bands to be explored with this sheet. For each of these RPM bands the pounds-per-minute of air mass that *could* flow through the turbocharger is the first output, with the light yellow highlight on all values below the surge line or max speed line. Since a ripe portion of compressor maps are in pounds-per-minute of airflow, this is the mass flow used for this output and for plotting RPM bands vs compressor maps. Next to it will be a the respective MAF output in milligrams per stroke with a few highlights for limitations.

Limitations. In order to know the ingested air, you also need the cylinder geometry and the MAF limits, diagnostically and absolutely. These two are separate and you need to know the size of housing in the MAF. for the 1Z/ALH, the absolute [stock] limit is 460 kg/hour and the [stock] diagnostic limit is 1275 mg/stroke. On the RPM band graphs, you'll see a green highlight for all values up to 95% of this limit and orange for 95%-100%. Additionally, mostly in the higher RPM bands with the higher PRs, you'll get a red strikethrough when the absolute limit is exceeded.

You can change the PR values on the far left of the table cluster to whatever you wish if you want finer resolution.

An example output with a raised MAF diagnostic limit of 1530 mg/str, click to embiggen:

Turbocharger - Boost & MAF.xlsx
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1975 Kombi

Veteran Member
Jun 3, 2014
Acton, Ontario, Canada
2003 TDI Jetta, 2011 Touareg TDI, 1992 D Jetta, 1992 TD Jetta, 2001 NB TDI, 1992 Golf coupe D
I need a bit of help programming the dynamic EGR. Is there 1 map or 2? I found 1 closest to the EGR map. What values do I enter in the 8X10 map to replace the zero's??

2003 ALH EDC15


1975 Kombi

Veteran Member
Jun 3, 2014
Acton, Ontario, Canada
2003 TDI Jetta, 2011 Touareg TDI, 1992 D Jetta, 1992 TD Jetta, 2001 NB TDI, 1992 Golf coupe D
So I have found the 3- 8X10 maps after the EGR location but they are populated by zero's and from the video they have values so do I have the correct locations. And do I need to make up values like the video for the entire 8X10 map??????

I replaced the zero's with the values below for all the 10 rows and changed the last to column temps to 75 and 80 degrees.

800 800 400 400 300 100 100 10000

Not sure if they are ok values but will try it out.

Also does the file need the EGR delete or intact??? I'm not sure if the EGR map works with the dynamic EGR or replaces it?????
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Digital Corpus

Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 2008
Ontario, California
'97 B4 w/ 236K mi body, 46K mi soul
With your level of experience and confidence, please call a tuner for having these changes made to your car. If you’re not confident in them, it’s best to pay someone who understands what they’re doing vs running the risk of messing something up like forgetting checksums.

Just my two cents.