Help I have the same leaky black box on the pump. Info please. No more Lucas for me either. Some one put a pic up on previous page.
Hey, there is tons of info here, just take your time and search and research.
As stated before, changing those 3 seals is the way to go.
I used the JB weld technique to line up the quantity adjuster.
I recommend you to get 2 45mm m6-1.00 Allen screws to replace the shallow head T30s and one 55mm to use as a safety stop.
Also, remove the skid plate before hand in case you drop something and place an old bed sheet under the engine to find whatever you drop.
I have a set of extension magnets and pick up tools, they were crucial to get stuff I dropped.
I think you need:
- a 12point 22mm to turn crank the engine
- T30 quality socket, maybe an angled wrench. maybe T25 for a bracket screw.
- 17mm open wrench for the injector hard lines.
- metalnerd special triangular socket
- I used my braker bar
- set of screw drivers.
- I think I used 10,13mm for various bolts and nuts.
- 8mm and 24mm (maybe 23mm) open wrenches for shut off solenoid.
- set of dental pics.
-Duck tape to cover head while replacing its seal.
- a bit of grease or petroleum jelly.
- blue tape to protect the injectors and head lines.
- a couple of cans of brake fluid
- many, many rags.
- mity vac or similar vac pump to get the fuel inside the ip and prime the ip.
- beer and women to celebrate afterwards.
-To be everything, be nobody.