That helpful B4 guy
I'll let the OP chime in, but in his original post: As the title say my TB broke and the tensioner loosened up.
At the Fest he said it was a bad TB install, tensioner was tensioned the wrong way. Lots of people helped out on it, to the point there were too many cooks in the kitchen, this truly is the best crowd. That's Lug-Nut's tow dolly in the background and the head BleachedBora brought with him on the plane. I think the tools belong to Matt_98AHU and I saw Paramedick over there a few times helping out. There were just too many awesome mechanics floating around for me to be in the way and I offered my tools but they already had everything they needed to build a new one from scratch.
Here are a few pictures of the repair:
I could only stay for the day so I wasn't able to grab more.
At the Fest he said it was a bad TB install, tensioner was tensioned the wrong way. Lots of people helped out on it, to the point there were too many cooks in the kitchen, this truly is the best crowd. That's Lug-Nut's tow dolly in the background and the head BleachedBora brought with him on the plane. I think the tools belong to Matt_98AHU and I saw Paramedick over there a few times helping out. There were just too many awesome mechanics floating around for me to be in the way and I offered my tools but they already had everything they needed to build a new one from scratch.
Here are a few pictures of the repair:

I could only stay for the day so I wasn't able to grab more.