You’re comparing lighting technology which differs by 22 years. Your new lights are also based on technology of yesteryear. Inpro isn’t going back to the drawing board to update their design. Your lights are limited to the technology and optics that are built into the lights, which was why I suggested retrofit, with nonfluted lenses.
I don’t really recall the lighting in Rotbox being all that bad. Are your old lights in decent shape? Are they adjusted properly? Is the glass still smooth or road blasted? Is the AL coating still on the reflectors?
Nowadays, good lighting can be cheap. I‘ve seen Hella auxiliary lighting selling for less than when I was buying it decades ago. If you don’t get the results you want with your new setup, I’d consider looking into some type of auxiliary lighting. Flood, spot, pencil, driving, fog, etc. There are a lot of choices.
On my pickup, I’m running LED headlights, but it’s the entire housing. Lighting is very good, but appearance is pretty bad. I’ve often considered going back to e-codes, only for aesthetics. I’m also running small, cheap LED combo lights as reverse lights. It’s like daylight, when I’m backing up….