I will back up the negative view of Subarus here, since I just got rid of one in favor of a JSW TDI...
2004 outback sport, bought new, put on it only 45k miles in 7 years.
- OEM tires dead after 15k. The AWD system burned through new tires every 15k miles, even with rotations every oil change.
- Heater core dropped out in the middle of winter... a 5hr drive home from NYC in minus 20 temps, followed by 3 week repair job because dealer ordered the wrong part.
- Rattling heat shields everywhere, all the time. Clamped some, removed others, never solved the problem. Always something resonating under there during acceleration.
- Trunk floor collapsed.
- Rust on all bolts attaching front seat rails to the floor. Bad design for use in a salty climate (i.e. Northeast roads in winer)
- Coolant leak at 1 year.
- "New" battery after 5 years (not unusual), but then would not hold a charge. Stealership replaced for free after 3rd time getting towed/jump-started.
- Both head gaskets blew out at 40k miles. Big $$ to replace. Downside of the boxer engine design is twice as many head gaskets!
- Left front lower wishbone rusted through. Heard a clunking noise one day, and wishbone was snapped in half

Thankfully this didnt happen on the highway!
- Radio broken at 35k miles. $600 for a replacement head unit! (found one on eBay for $40).
- Burned through headlight bulbs every year or so.
Bottom line, Subarus are just not built to last. Add in HUGE reported costs when the AWD transmission finally conks out, and I'm very glad to be out of this car. The bigger Subies may be better made, but the Impreza based outback sport is a POS in my book.