The other thing is, VW may not have the ability to fully test this kit until winter, so they're getting it out on a limited basis, with customers that they can keep tabs on.
Then, once this winter passes, and they get feedback on whether it worked, they can push it out to everyone, or do another update.
This statement is very difficult to respond to. We also need to ask for the most kits possible so we can get the best answers possible. If we dope around and wait, then more and more folks will be out of warranty and never get a kit.
1..The kit has probably been in development over a winter period. It has probably seen a winter in their testing.
2..The North and south pole exist and there places that have glaciers all year long.
3..You can set up the conditions to test a theory without the cars themselves being there. (I do agree that something not expected can come up in physical whole car use-----The cars in production turned up the problem).
4..After more of the parameters that cause the situation are known, a computer program can be set up to vary known variables and thus predict the outcomes. These programs are not perfect, but they come a lot closer to helping than they once did.
I kind of go with #1. VW was telling there was a fix coming while it was still cold weather. The fix as sent out may not be perfect, but I imagine that the software can be modified to use the hardware in new innovative ways.
I still think an emergency physical drain would help. I also think a more definate hot air warm up loop would help. However, there are issues with my thoughts, and I understand that: it is not simple to do what I propose.
If VW will not put the kits out there for everyone in a timely manner; IMHO there are going to be a lot of slightly bent rods, blown or seeping head gaskets, and issues we do not even know about yet. The problems with the HPFPs needs a retroactive kit also. If failure percentages go up, and I believe they will, there will be more pressure to get it done. On the other hand, bean counters make decisions out of my little limited life box I think in.