I had the car towed in on Thursday. Service Rep at the dealer called me before close of business and said...
"It was really hard to get your car to start, it took me a bunch of cranks to get it to even run. The service tech checked your charging system and it was all fine, so we are exploring all options and will get back with you tomorrow."
I reminded him about my fears of a possible hydrolock and to show the TSB to the service tech. I kind of wanted to throw up after that phone call.
VWoA case manager called yesterday and said that it was in fact a frozen intercooler and would be repaired under the TSB. He said that they were covering it out of "goodwill" even though it was no longer covered since it's not a drivetrain part and I was 2k miles out of the bumper to bumper.
But at least VWoA seems to be taking care of the problem now. Doubtful that they will do a recall in my opinion though. It would be bad PR, but waiting for cars to have problems to fix them doesn't sit well with me. Especially since most of us purchase these cars in the hopes they last hundreds of thousands of miles.
We don't like to see this...
And most TDI owners that I know are pretty frugal (dare even CHEAP
), so having to break out money on repairs above normal maintenance (don't lie, some of us actually really enjoy changing our timing belts) is very stressful. I like to keep the broken parts to my non-daily driver vehicles.
I repeatedly told the VWoA case manager if VW kept making a Jetta TDI that was comfortable, had a low fuel cost compared to other cars, and lasted over 200k miles I would buy one as long as they keep making them.