You mention an RPM range for the noise, I would think axles/bearings would be more road speed dependent. If it is truly RPM dependent I would be looking at what anchors the eng/trans (mounts). That said, the fact that it developed with the axle change is hard to ignore. Another root cause would be quite the coincidence.
I have a vibration at speed under acceleration. I strongly suspect inner CV joints but am replacing a soft tranny mount and even sloppier LCA bushings first just to be sure. They need it anyway, process of elimination.
Edit: Just had another thought, what kind of hub/bearings did you go with? Again, OEM or parts store? Some have had issues with non-OEM assemblies failing prematurely.
It is a shame there is so much demand for cheap parts motivating the inferior parts market. Sometimes it is hard to know what is good and what is not. In college I drove an old Ford van. I replaced the failed starter with one from Autozone with a lifetime warranty, total crap. It got a free replacement about every 6 months after that for the rest of the time I owned the van. At $20 a pop I actually carried a spare in the van and just rotated the free replacements as they failed.