Smyth Performance- Intern
Sadly, this is going to add a rather disturbing twist to the production of biodiesel, ethanol, and pretty much all midwestern crops.
Edited to save the readers/viewers some time. I encourage you to watch the whole thing, and/or do your independent research.Dr.Huber said:The last two years we've had a very significant epidemic of goss's wilt on corn and sudden death syndrome on soybean. We've had to increase the rate of glyphosate so that we've just.. continually hammered against those organisms that would give us some natural biological control of that disease. The mode of action of glyphosate as an herbacide is to supress resistance and increase disease. So that when you have any weed that's killed by glyphosate, you've increased it's suseptability to disease. Plant pathologists have also seen an increased disease.... the inability to keep their crop production, their growers, efficient and in business. Then you look at the quality of that crop that's been produced, which we're growing initially for food and feed, even it it's going into alcohol... the rest of that crop {is} used for feed! ... and we find very high populations of this organism in the distiller's grain! So, it's coming through the ethanol production, the fermentive process.. {we} find it very high in corn silage.. so that the ensiling process seems to give it an environment where it's even able to continue to grow, even beyond what it did in the regular growth in the plant."
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