FS: RNS-510 Navigation Radio w/ Unlock PIN $450


Veteran Member
Nov 19, 2011
Hanover, Mass
2011 Golf 2 Door 6MT
RNS510 removed from a totaled 2015 Passat with 120k miles. Radio is in nice shape, have been using it in my Golf for a few weeks now. I updated the firmware to the newest 5382

The maps have not been updated, I can do that if you want I still have the V12 DVD. DVDs play well, I did NOT unlock vin. It's programmed for Fender so will probably need to be programmed with vcds or similar for your particular sound system. Radio code is included. The screen is fine, my phone just wouldn't sync to the latency of it. I'm going back to an MIB2 so it's for sale.
