FS: Michelin ArticAlpin Snows 195/75R/14"


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2001
FS: Michelin ArticAlpin Snows 195/75R/14\"

I have one pair of Michelin Artic Alpin snow tires, size 195/75R/14" for sale. These were used only one winter in MN/ND on the rear axle of a Mercedes 240D that I sold to buy my 96 Passat TDi.

The tires obviously don't fit the Passat, but they are in excellent shape, with 9/32” (7mm approx.) of usable tread remaining. They are not punctured or damaged in any way, and are much cheaper than your collision deductible! They were EXCELLENT on the rear wheel drive 240D, and would also work well on a Volvo or other car needing that size or approximately this size.

ConsumerReports rated the Artic-Alpin #1 for Ice/Snow Traction! I paid $140US for the pair new at Tires Plus, these winter doughnuts have just been sitting in my hall closet and I'd like to sell them to another Forum member perhaps. I'm asking $70US for the pair.

If interested, lets exchange e-mails. I could ship them pretty much anywhere (which will be extra), but if you live anywhere in MN/ eastern ND/ western WI I may be able to arrange hand delivery via the Passat Tdi
over a weekend. Just ask me.



Veteran Member
Oct 28, 2000
East Overshoe, ME
Re: FS: Michelin ArticAlpin Snows 195/75R/14\"

Hi- I got the Arctic-Alpin's for my NB this year- I should have gotten stock (steel)rims for it and gotten smaller,narrower tires.
They are very quiet for snowtires- and excellent for high-performance-
The best tires I have ever had, and I drove on Blizzaks for 2 winters (end of last winter not so sticky- I would have worn them out with driving I am doing now)

Mercedes 240D's rule too- but dont get me goin'.........


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2001
Re: FS: Michelin ArticAlpin Snows 195/75R/14\"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by banzai:
Hi- I got the Arctic-Alpin's for my NB this year- I should have gotten stock (steel)rims for it and gotten smaller,narrower tires.
They are very quiet for snowtires- and excellent for high-performane.

I couldn't agree more with your sentiments on the Artic-Alpin. A little gooey in turns perhaps, but oh what grip!

As for steel wheels, I'm glad I have them stock on the Passat. Aluminum just doesn't seem to take the road salts quite as well, and with all of the potholes around, they dent really easily. (My sister ruined an aluminum wheel a week ago on her 1.8t 2000 Passat gasser.)

Steel wheels are heavier for sure, but I definitely think they score higher on the durability scale for winter driving.

Any takers on my tires yet????
