Veteran Member
- 1 owner, non-smoker
- Silver with gray cloth, GL
- $4500
- Complete maintenance records. All work performed by me. NEVER saw ANY shop!
- Car made only 1 out-of-state trip. Rest of time it was only used for work
- 230,322 miles. 10.5 years of 74 miles/day commute. Covered parking at work
- Garage kept entire life
- Amsoil by-pass filter (search using jettajim in 7/2001)
- Amsoil Be-100 used since new. Changed to BE-90 just last November
- Delvac 1 is only oil used in crankcase
- Check engine light came on 5 times: 3 for glow plug replacement, 1 for glow plug harness, 1 for brake light switch
- TB: 2/2013, 88,000 miles until next job. This was the deluxe kit from metalmanparts. Cam & crank seal, new left engine mount
- 5th gear set: 3/2011
- Michelin Hydroedge: ~13,000 miles remaining (3rd set-great tires)
- Mufflerectomy: original muffler is available (kept in attic)
- Euroswitch: original is available
- Original 15" steel wheels with ~ 60 miles. Box kept in attic. Extra $75
- 5/2010: Bilstein TCs on all 4 corners.
- 5/2010: VR-6 springs in front
- 5/2010: 10mm aluminum spacer on each strut in front
- 5/2010: All new front suspension--tie rods, ball joints, bushings, links
- Cat fuel filter
- Elephant hose
- Deleted EGR cooling with kit from dieselgeek
- Fuel pump o-rings: 3/2013, replaced the head & body o-rings and adjusted IQ, of course
One accident: 9/2007, I left the car in neutral and it rolled backwards into a tree.
The photo of the crack in the front bumper cover was due to a hit & run. They peeled the bumper cover back and it cracked at the point seen in the photo. No other damage was done.
All speakers need to be replaced. I have new blauplunk & pyles but never installed them-included.
Selling the 2001 Jetta because I bought a 2014 Golf TDI. The 2001 is a very dependable car. NEVER had any problems! Regular maintenance & care is the key. I get ~56 mpg.
Interesting note: the car was bought in 8/2000. Both stickers expire in 8/2014.
EVERY drop of diesel put in the car has been recorded!
Some pics are in the Members Albums under jettajim
E-mail me for more pics.
Please let me know if there any questions. As stated earlier, I have the records of everything that was ever done to it. I only listed bigger items above.