The first 6 metals listed from the top down are your common wear metals your numbers are excellent. Elevated numbers give clues to which components are the source.
Aluminum - Pistons, oil pump, cylinder head, vacuum pump
Chromium - Piston rings, or part of steel component alloys
Iron - Crankshafts, Camshafts, Bearing shells, pump gears etc.
Copper - Engine bearings, Camshaft bearings, Turbo Bearings
Lead & Tin - Comprise thin coating overlay on Engine & Cam bearings
Are oil additives which improve the oils lubrication ability as well as its characteristics.
Hope this helps and for an example my Fe (Iron) readings when my BRM camshaft started to fail were around 190 but it was a sign of trouble pending. It still lasted nearly another 30K until it was replaced.
I see that you are in Ontario 2.2 If you intend to continue UOA I would recommend that you use the services of your local Caterpillar dealer Toromont that has a presence in almost every city. You will get a much faster turnaround keeping it local and as good or better results using a world class UOA lab service provided by Cat dealers since this is a common service depended on heavily by industry. You purchase your prepaid sample container from their parts department and drop it off there as well. No postage or shipping required and results are sent by email or snail mail.