Fine, I thought you guys really wanted to be taken seriously, get some redress, and would understand that just talking and moaning wouldn’t do it. Okay, stay in your world of shoulda, woulda, and coulda. It really doesn’t matter what I honestly believe, so I’ll let you guys enjoy your pity party.
Saying “I’m taking my toys and going home” doesn’t really do much to support your argument. In fact, there is much that is true about what you are saying - that to the extent post-“fix” owners can validate their experiences scientifically, it is more likely to be persuasive.
But there are two problems with that. First, there is no to whom to be persuasive. The legal case has run its course, and no amount of complaining by owners at this late stage is going to change anything. So to whom, then, to be persuasive? How about to a forum of self-selecting persons with similar interests? Like, an on-line forum? You’ve been a frequent poster of late, on this self-selecting forum, letting us all know your views. To which are you welcome, and about which you are welcome to share. Your arguments are valid. It is the condescending way in which you present them (...”moaning”...”pity party”...) that raises ire here.
Second, there is more to vehicle enjoyment than raw data. The fastest road car may be a Hemi Challenger, for example, but that’s not a vehicle I would choose to own. The highest mileage vehicle may be a Prius, but that’s not a vehicle I would choose to own, either. Read any new car review in a paper or e-magazine format and, beyond the raw numbers, you will find plenty of subjective commentary. Some of us choose our vehicles because of a subjective combination of attributes. Change those attributes, even in ways they cannot be measured, and we like the vehicles less. So, for me, hearing subjective commentary post-“fix” is enormously helpful, because it helps me determine whether getting the last “fix” payment is worth the change in driving experience. It’s neither “moaning” nor a “pity party” to share all experiences, not just fan-boy boosterism, on a forum designed for sharing.
It would be too bad if you chose to vacate the forum. After all, just as you say why should we care what you honestly believe, why should you care what others think about what you have to say? Stay, continue to share, no need to be thin-skinned. We are, after all, dealing with a decidedly first-world problem that is a nice distraction from sh*t that really matters.