My car sat in the carport for two weeks in Fresno while I was away visiting. On Feb. 1, I got back in the bug, filled my tank and drove back to Utah. Here are the results:
Driver: Ernie Rogers Feb. 1
Miles: 103.1
Gallons: 2.391 ---> 43.1 mpg (Short trips around town, early Jan.)
Model Year: 2003
Model: Beetle
Tranny: M5
Fuel type: B2 + Powerservice grey
Driver: Ernie Rogers Feb 2
Miles: 866.1
Gallons: 14.114 ---> 61.36 (Highway, 62 mph, one day, favorable wind.)
Model Year: 2003
Model: Beetle
Tranny: M5
Fuel type: B2 + Powerservice grey
Note: I removed my drag reducer for about the last 250 miles, as I approached rainy weather. (Water hurts it over time, it has wood inside.) I did some highway speeding the next morning, 40 miles at 80 mph, to keep an appointment and filled the tank afterwards. I may have got a little higher mileage otherwise.
Remember that I correct gauge readings-- odo and speed are true.
My car has been doing fantastically well since last summer, even better now it seems allowing for winter fuel. I haven't changed anything. Beetle with drag reducer (Cd = 0.3, about); slightly larger tires-- 205 /60R-16 Michelin MXV4 S8 w. 55k miles, 41 psi cold; Motul oil 506.01, 0W30; engine is unmodified except for EGR turndown, has 118,000 miles, new belt and water pump.
Randy (Audi5000) points out that I get an advantage from driving at higher elevations. By the way, Randy, congrats on the fantastic mileage you posted, and that was on Utah winter fuel. In summer, you would have been nudging 60 mpg.
My next tank will be around town here (Utah), expecting much lower mpg.
Ernie Rogers