People that enjoy driving a diesel. Not those that bought into diesels because of some perceived economic incentive or because the ads said they were "clean". Not people that complain about the lack of heat or the smelly exhaust, the messy fuel or the noise. Not people that whine about specialized expensive maintenance that they are too helpless to do themselves. And most certainly not people that hate to drive. Those people should buy civics or corollas, they'll be happier.
I like driving diesel cars because of their nature. Economy be damned. I travel a bit and I hate every gas car I rent. I can't wait to get back in a diesel. I like things like readily available torque and good economy in spite of my heavy foot. I can make a Nissan sentra get 15mpg (just proved it in vegas). I can't do that in a diesel. I would honestly drive a diesel if it cost twice as much and burned as much fuel as a gasser (though it never would). I am a diehard diesel driver. I will never drive anything else.