My 2009 Jetta TDI has started throwing the P047C code.
My question is, how critical is it to address this? Per statements from VW, my vehicle year will be subject to buy-back rather than fixing the NOx emission issue, with something scheduled to be finalized with the courts and the agencies June 21. I'm figuring the vehicle lifetime I have to worry about only extends six more months, -ish, and I don't want to drop another several hundred dollars on it if I don't have to. I do have the $500 VW dealership debit card to use, but I figure most of that will be absorbed by the dealer mark-up over what my regular mechanic would charge; plus, I had given the card to my girlfriend in the notion she could get tires with it, which the dealers seem to be not terribly overpriced for.
I don' t know what the two sensors in question actually control; I thought I'd seen something elsewhere in the threads on things clogging up if this code isn't attended to, but can't find that reference now.
Any thoughts on whether I can get away with ignoring the code for 6 months would be appreciated, but please: no wagering. ;-)