Exhaust leak at actuator arm


Veteran Member
Oct 7, 2004

Lately there's been a strong exhaust smell when the engine is running and I'm standing outside the car, so I thought it's the usual exhaust pipe behind the cat that needs to be replaced. I took it to Majestic Muffler near my house. They put it up on the hoist and showed me soot marks where the actuator arm connects into the turbo, which they don't work on. They recommended Mr. Turbo/Zex Toronto Turbochargers on O'Connor and Eglinton Avenue. I called them and got an estimate of $2200 over the phone to replace the entire turbo.

Anyone else had this issue? What did you do to fix it? I'm planning to keep the car for another couple of years, so would like to get this fixed before it gets worse. Any ideas/suggestions/workarounds are appreciated. Thanks.
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Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2020
Ontario, Canada
I'm confused, are you talking about the vnt arm and the actuator that pulls the arm? If so, that sounds odd, I don't think I've ever heard of an exhaust leak at the actuator arm.

I suppose anything is possible, although that would mean a crack on the turbo, which I find hard to believe. (assuming I'm understanding correctly where the leak is from)


Top Post Dawg
Jan 11, 2006
Toronto & Muskoka, Canada
2002 Jetta, 2003 Jetta, 2003 Jetta Wagon
I'd have to see it to believe it - you didn't take pictures?

Even if there is a leak where the VNT lever enters the turbo, I can't see it being sufficient to cause a strong exhaust smell. I'd be looking elsewhere.


Veteran Member
Oct 7, 2004
@cdi320 - Yes I'm referring to that arm only. It's possible as shown in this video of a T5 Transporter TDI:

A similar thread on another TD forum - https://www.myturbodiesel.com/threads/exhaust-leak-at-turbo-actuator-arm.35538/

Simon - I didn't get a chance to take any pictures as it was busy and there was a vehicle waiting after mine. The shop owner did point in that actuator arm/turbo area. To be honest, it's a dark/hidden spot and he didn't point any light at it, so I took his word for it. I've been to this shop before and he's an experienced guy, so his diagnosis may be correct. He didn't even charge me for the time/diagnosis. It's possible that the issue may be elsewhere, I'm not sure at this time. I'll try and look around at the back of the engine with a telescoping mirror, see if I can find anything.


Certified Volkswagen Nut & Vendor
Dec 11, 2001
outside St Louis, MO
There are just too many to list....
I've seen lots of sooty spots on VNT actuator shafts, but it was never enough for the occupants of the car to smell anything, nor cause any issues with the turbo operation.

But yeah, if it is bad enough you have a problem with it, you'll need a new turbo. Seems worse on BW units, not as common on Garretts.


Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2020
Ontario, Canada
Yea sooty spots I don't doubt, but a large crack to cause the exhaust to smell at idle sounds strange... not saying it's not possible, I just think you have to be really unlucky for that to be the case.

If you can, and if you have a shop vac, there's an easy way to figure out where the leak is from. Take the hose of the shop vac, put it on the exhaust end of the vacuum, and stick the other end in one side of the tailpipe, while plugging the other. The exhaust from the vacuum simulates air in the exhaust system. Then, take a mirror, and spray some soapy water at the vnt arm. If the crack is indeed large enough, you should immediately see the water bubbling in the area and it should make large bubbles if it's bad enough... I have found several exhaust leaks using this method

Here's a short video explaining how to do it

If it is the arm, like oilhammer said, you are out of luck and will need a turbo...


Veteran Member
Oct 7, 2004
Thanks @oilhammer and @cdi320, so far I don't have any smell in the cabin at idle/driving, with the fresh air/recirc. Also no smell at idle when I open the hood. The only spot where I get a strong smell at idle is when I stand next to the driver's side front door. I'll see if I can borrow my neighbour's shop vac and do this leak test. Thanks again.


Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2020
Ontario, Canada
If you're not getting it inside with recirc turned off at idle, nothing with hood open, but you smell it on the driver's side, that sounds more like a leak farther downstream near the catalytic convertor. I know when I had a cracked downpipe just past the turbo near the flexi, I would get a good amount of exhaust smell in the cabin. If you can figure it out let us know, I doubt your leak is at the vnt arm based on your descriptions


Veteran Member
Oct 7, 2004
I got a chance to test using a shop-vac. There was small hole in the muffler which immediately blew lots of soot out. I also checked the actuator arm using a telescoping mirror. There's a very small soot mark there. Due to the tight space I wasn't able to do a soapy water test, however I did not feel any air (with the shop-vac on) when I placed my hand close to that spot, so I believe no concerns there. I've patched the hole in the muffler using muffler cement. The exhaust smell seems to have gone for now, and I'm still monitoring it. I do have an almost full tube of muffler cement now, if anyone wants to borrow, feel free...:D. Thanks everyone.


Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2020
Ontario, Canada
I got a chance to test using a shop-vac. There was small hole in the muffler which immediately blew lots of soot out. I also checked the actuator arm using a telescoping mirror. There's a very small soot mark there. Due to the tight space I wasn't able to do a soapy water test, however I did not feel any air (with the shop-vac on) when I placed my hand close to that spot, so I believe no concerns there. I've patched the hole in the muffler using muffler cement. The exhaust smell seems to have gone for now, and I'm still monitoring it. I do have an almost full tube of muffler cement now, if anyone wants to borrow, feel free...:D. Thanks everyone.
Happy to hear. As I mentioned, I found it hard to believe it was the actuator arm causing such a large leak... so i'm glad you didn't get hosed into spending 2000 bucks on something you don't need (happens far too often these days unfortunately...). If the cement holds, I wouldn't bother fixing the exhaust for now... till it breaks or the hole gets bigger, just keep motoring on.


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Mk6 2.0 TDI Golf
I've recently had a similar experience. Been getting a pretty strong whiff of exhaust fumes entering the cabin whilst sitting idling at junctions etc.

No visible signs of the leak, either from above or below.

Due to the previous owner replacing the turbo actuator and having various surging and hesitating problems, as well as a turbo whine that's been getting steadily louder over the last 30k miles, I finally bit the bullet and replaced the turbo.

Sure enough, once it was off there was a significant amount of soot around the VNT shaft.

After replacement, all 3 problems have been rectified. I know for sure it has fixed the exhaust smell, because my wife was complaining about it pretty much on a daily basis.